Virtual public meeting planned for the London Road project in Duluth


The Minnesota Department of Transportation hosted a virtual public meeting at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday to discuss Minnesota’s upcoming Highway 61 and London Highway project.

The project corridor runs from 26th to 60th Avenue East. The project includes the replacement of the top layer of the street (grinder and paving), improvements to intersections and other improvements yet to be determined.

The meeting will include a presentation, survey results and time for questions. According to the project’s webpage, the corridor survey received more than 2,200 responses from people sharing their views on the estimated $ 8.3 million improvement project slated for 2025.

A link to the virtual meeting is available at For those who cannot attend the meeting, a recording will also be displayed on the page. To join the meeting, dial 855-282-6330 and use the meeting access code 146 532 7897.


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