Virus Expert has just published this vital warning


the coronavirus The pandemic is raging again, with cases, hospitalizations and deaths on the rise, especially among those unvaccinated. But even a minority of those who are vaccinated catch the virus. How can you stay safe? Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of Brown University School of Public Health, appeared on Hello america this morning with a sobering warning. Read on for five tips that save lives – and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You Have ‘Long’ COVID And You May Not Even Know It.

woman wearing face mask in clinic ward recovering from coronavirus disease.

“The proof is that this virus is going to be with us for a long time,” Jha warned. “It’s going to become endemic. So everyone is going to either end up at some point, get vaccinated, or end up getting infected. People really have to be really careful there if you are not vaccinated and the best way to to protect oneself is to be shot. “

Lady holding thermometer having fever measuring body temperature sitting on sofa at home

“It is the most contagious version of the virus that we have seen throughout the pandemic,” said Dr Jha. “It’s really, very, very contagious. And so if you have significant exposure you’re going to see breakthrough infections, even for people who have been vaccinated. The good news is that these people don’t get particularly sick, obviously, very, very few people who get vaccinated end up hospitalized or dying. That is what is really helpful here. No vaccine is perfectly one hundred percent effective.

Woman coughing into her elbow at the grocery store.

In the old days you might say, stand six feet apart, or be with them for less than 15 minutes – “you had to be very, very close to someone for a long time.” What we are learning with the Delta variant is that this is not necessarily the case. There are so many more viruses or people infected, have such high, high viral loads, but even short periods of time, five minutes, seven minutes, you don’t even have to be within six feet. For unvaccinated people, they are infected with much, much shorter exposure. “

Teacher and children with face mask back to school after quarantine and covid-19 lockdown.

“I think we have evidence that we can get children back to school safely, even in the context of the Delta variant, even children under 12 have not been vaccinated,” he said. virus expert. “So I think the kids should be back and we can do it safely. I believe in areas of high levels of epidemics. Um, it makes sense to have kids who haven’t been vaccinated, to wear a mask. But I think the children who are vaccinated, the adults who are vaccinated, it is much more reasonable to skip the masks. But the key problem is not to be vaccinated. Children are definitely unvaccinated adults. vaccinated people should wear a mask in places where epidemics are important. ”

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Doctor holding syringe in hospital.

“The kind of thinking based on recent data from Israel is that I could imagine people at high risk, people in nursing homes, people with compromised immune systems, needing that extra level of protection. You know. , I have to tell you a few months ago, I didn’t necessarily think that would be the case, but the data is changing on this, but for most of us I don’t think we will need to a booster. soon. ” So follow the basics and help end this pandemic no matter where you live: get vaccinated as soon as possible; if you live in an area with low immunization rates, wear a mask which fits snugly and is double layered, don’t travel, stray away, avoid large crowds, don’t go inside with people you are not safe from (especially in bars), practice good hand hygiene and protect your life and the lives of others, do not visit any of these 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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