Vitamin D Warning: When should you stop taking supplements? Symptoms that you have had too much


Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body – the nutrients needed to maintain healthy bones, teeth, and muscles – so it's important to maintain your level of concentration. Since the sun is the main source of vitamin D, some people may be at risk of vitamin D deficiency during the winter months. These are people who are not often outside or who wear clothes that cover most of their skin. Vitamin D deficiency can trigger symptoms such as fatigue, back and bone pain, depression and hair loss, so some people may consider taking vitamin D supplements.

But with the approach of the summer, when should you stop taking vitamin D supplements? Dr. Andrew Thornber, Chief Medical Officer at Now Patient, offered his advice to

He said: "During the winter months, you should consider taking a supplement containing 10 micrograms of vitamin D if you think you are not pulling enough.

"But the body usually gets enough vitamin D from the sun's natural light (starting in the spring) and the consumption of foods like egg yolks, liver, oily fish and red meat."

Taking vitamin D over a prolonged period could lead to more serious problems, noted Dr. Thornber.

"If you take vitamin D over a prolonged period of time, it can lead to calcium buildup and damage to the kidneys, bones and heart," he warned.

"In some cases, it can also affect toilet habits.

"Other symptoms may include fatigue, weight loss, excessive thirst and dehydration."

The NHS also warns against taking more than 100 micrograms of vitamin D per day as this could be harmful.

He explains: "This concerns adults, including pregnant and lactating women and the elderly, as well as children aged 11 to 17 years.

"Children from one to ten years old should not have more than 50 micrograms a day.

"Infants under 12 months should not have more than 25 micrograms a day."

Dr. Thornber added, "It is always helpful to consult your doctor if you are taking or plan to stop the supplements to make sure that it is appropriate to do so."

If you are in the sun and your vitamin D levels are high, consider covering yourself or your skin.

If the skin is exposed to the sun for long periods, it may increase the risk of skin damage and skin cancer.

Skin cancer is caused by ultraviolet light damaging the DNA of skin cells.

What we generally ignore is that there are two types of skin cancer: skin cancer with melanoma and skin cancer with or without melanoma.

Dr. Ross Perry, Skin Specialist, described the symptoms of skin cancer to watch for.


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