Walmart will do its best to keep people with mobility problems | WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio


After more than a week of backlash, Walmart is pledging to do everything possible to find other roles for disabled workers who have accused the retailer of targeting them while it is happening. is preparing to eliminate the position of "more attentive person" in 1,000 stores.

Greg Foran, president and chief executive of Walmart's US stores, said in a memo Thursday evening to store managers, "We are taking specific steps to help people with mobility problems." Walmart has published the memo publicly.

Last week, Walmart told officials across the country that their positions were being phased out at the end of April in favor of an expanded "customer hosting" role involving not just customer hosting but also the tracking of the returns, the verification of the receipts in order to prevent the own store. The job requires that guests be able to lift heavy goods vehicles, climb ladders and perform other tasks.

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People with disabilities who have traditionally held the position of guardian in many stores have accused Walmart of acting heartless. Indignant customers and others have started petitions online, formed Facebook support groups, called and contacted a Walmart company to record their dissatisfaction.

Acknowledging that the change had "created a conversation," Foran wrote, "Let's be clear: if a partner in this unique situation wants to continue working at Walmart, we should make every effort to make that happen."

Walmart had first announced to greeters that they would have the usual 60 days to land other jobs within the company. In the midst of the tumult, the company has extended the deadline indefinitely for disabled visitors.

"With respect to disabled associates who are gradually leaving the position of People Greeter, we recognize that these people are facing a unique situation, and because not all disabilities are the same, each case requires a thoughtful solution," wrote Foran. "For this reason, we examine each case individually, with the aim of proposing appropriate accommodations that will allow these associates to continue to occupy other roles in their store."

Walmart said that he had already started making job offers for disabled greeters, with at least one of them, Jay Melton, who works at the Marion, North Carolina store. , who had already accepted. Melton, whose family spoke of his impending job loss, will work on self-regulation, Walmart said.

"Jay has been in our store for 17 years and is well known in our community, so please congratulate him on his new position!" Marion Walmart said on his Facebook page.


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