Warning of tourists as deadly cases of bulb plague put Mongolia on alert – RT Russia News


The Russian Federal Tourism Agency has issued a special warning to tourists going to Mongolia after the confirmation of two fatal cases of bubonic plague in the country.

Two Russians died as a result of the highly contagious disease and were reported to have been infected after ingesting contaminated marmot organs. The Siberian married couple reportedly had contact with at least 158 ​​people before their deaths. These people have been quarantined.

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The tourism agency said the deaths were recorded in the province of Bayan-Ulgii, in the western Mongolian, according to the Federal Service for Monitoring of Welfare and Consumer Protection (Rospotrebnadzor) .

The agency asked tourists to consider this information when planning trips to the area.

Rospotrebnadzor has taken measures to prevent infection in border areas, including through quarantine control and more than 90% of the population has been vaccinated. The agency is also in communication with health institutes in Mongolia.

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