Was US representative Ocasio-Cortez "scared" by her garbage removal?


Much has been said about the fact that US MP Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) appeared to be unaware of the waste treatment in the sink in a video she posted on Instagram in May 2019. Websites such as Hotair, the Washington Timesand the Gateway Pundit have published articles mocking the first member of Congress for its apparent lack of knowledge about waste disposal, and dozens of social media users posted jokes about her on Twitter:

This episode of outrage online has sparked questions about the MP, the laws of New York and the prevalence of garbage disposal in general. This article addresses three of the most common queries we've encountered: is this video real? Have garbage pick-ups ever been banned in New York? What is the frequency of garbage disposal in New York?

First, the video.

Representative Ocasio-Cortez expressed surprise at her new garbage disposal in an Instagram video of May 6, 2019.

The video that sparked this controversy was published as a "story" on his Instagram page on May 6, 2019. Instagram stories are only available for 24 hours. This clip does not appear anymore on his page. However, a number of users of social media sites and websites have managed to archive the images:

While the video of the Ocasio-Cortez representative expressing shock on the existence of garbage disposal is genuine, viewers need to know that at least one parody version of this video is circulating on social media and presents a look-alike Ocasio-Cortez expressing his disbelief in regard to another household. Appliances.

Have garbage disposals already been banned in New York?

The city of New York lifted its ban on waste disposal for nearly three decades in 1997. This device is still illegal in commercial establishments.

After her video went viral, congressional MP Ocasio-Cortez went to Twitter to explain why she was so confused by the existence of garbage disposals, pointing out that these home appliances had already been illegal in New York:

By the early 1970s, garbage disposal had been banned in much of New York City, fearing that the device would upset the city's plumbing system. This ban was finally lifted in 1997, giving homeowners the legal ability to install such appliances. A report recently released by the Associated Press, however, revealed that the cost of installing a new waste disposal had deterred many New Yorkers from renovating their sinks:

Sunday, October 12, 1997 – 11 · Star-Gazette (Elmira, New York) · Newspapers.com

Although garbage disposal is currently legal in New York's residential units, it remains illegal in commercial establishments. This is particularly remarkable because some of the critics used the previous experience of a congressman as a bartender to assert that she was lying about her ignorance of garbage collection:

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) notes on its website that "Currently, residential households are allowed to dispose of food waste through waste shredders. foodstuffs, also known as waste crushers. However, it is forbidden to install or use FWDs in commercial establishments (for example, restaurants) or for institutional purposes (for example, hospitals, universities, etc.). "

How many houses in New York have garbage cans today?

In 2008, the New York Department of Environmental Protection estimated that only 1% of households had disposed of their garbage.

As noted in the 1997 press clipping above, New Yorkers do not "queue up for noisy machines" after lifting the ban on disposal. While this device has been legal in the city for more than two decades, it is apparently still rare to get rid of garbage, as the Brick Underground real estate blog wrote in 2010:

Garbage picking has been legal in New York for over 10 years now, but our BrickTank experts confirm that many, if not most, New York City apartment buildings – especially the pre-war period – do not still do not allow them.

Unfortunately, old pipes serving many of the city's vertical villages tend to have so much sludge and sludge residue that the additional grinding waste generated by garbage disposal can result in clots, back-ups and material damage. say real estate managers Thomas Usztoke and Michael Wolfe.

A 2013 article published by the New York Times reported that real estate agents often advertise that the units have garbage disposal devices because this device was still scarce throughout the city:

This small appetizer is widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but garbage collection was actually illegal in New York until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially the older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of the old pipes …

Nancy Albertson, director of leasing at Glenwood, a company that is building new rental properties, many of which have included garbage disposal in recent years, said that when many New Yorkers saw them, they have had the same reaction: "Is not it illegal? "

No, just rare.

Michael J. Wolfe, president of Midboro Management, which primarily manages the pre-war co-op and condominium buildings, said that out of 95 buildings, three of his pre-war buildings and a few new projects constructed allowed the disposal of waste.

The most concrete statistic we could find regarding the number of waste disposals in New York comes from a footnote published in a 2008 study of commercial food waste by the Department of the NYC environmental protection mentioned above. The DEP estimated that only 1% of households in New York City had food waste shredders:

The city council voted to lift the ban on residential residential housing and the mayor enacted the measure effective October 11, 1997. To date, it is estimated that less than 1% of households in the province New York City have installed residential pneumatic relays.

We contacted this municipal department and Emerson Electric, one of the largest waste disposal companies in the world, for more information. We will update this article when newer statistics are available.


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