Cameron County confirms 25 cases of mumps


A health official confirmed Thursday that there had been 25 mumps cases in Cameron County this year.

Cameron County Health Director Esmeralda Guajardo said 21 cases involved people who had traveled to another country and four who had never traveled anywhere. Two of the four have also never been vaccinated.

Guajardo said the group was made up of immigrants having been treated by Border Patrol, vacationers and people traveling to visit the family.

"I do not want to say that a large percentage of them do not come from immigration or detention centers. This is not the case," Guajardo said. "It's usually in the norm."

Guajardo said some of these people came from countries where vaccinations were not the norm.

And so far, this year is about to record more cases than last year.

"Last year, we had 33 cases. For us, this becomes a problem when it becomes a potential risk to public health because people were not isolated or they spent too much time without seeing a doctor, "Guajardo said. "We do not have this problem here in Cameron County."

With the increase in the number of immigrants arriving at the southern border – more than 100,000 last month – health officials are not surprised to see as many cases as this year.

Guajardo said border police officers working in treatment centers, detention officers and health professionals are all trained to detect mumps symptoms and immediately contact the county health department.

"They understand as soon as someone presents the mumps symptoms that they call us," Guajardo said.

There has been a total of 39 mogul cases in Hidalgo County this year.

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