Washington State could become the first state to authorize human composting


Lawmakers in Washington State on Friday passed a bill allowing residents to participate in the "natural organic reduction" of human remains, citing research that carefully composted human remains could be safely used in a garden. domestic, reported reports.

According to the Seattle Times, Democratic governor Jay Inslee's office said Friday he had not reviewed the final legislation. Inslee, who is running for president, has been active on Twitter since the Senate and the House of Representatives of the state passed Bill 5001, but did not mention it in any posts. The bill would have been adopted easily and would have benefited from bipartite support.

The report pointed out that the measure had taken several years. There was one trial involving six supporters who accepted organic reduction. The results were positive and "the soil had a smell of soil and nothing else," says the report.

Troy Hottle, a member of the US Environmental Protection Agency, told the newspaper that the method was also "close to the natural process of decomposition." [as] you thought that a body would be subject before we have an industrialized society. "

A report from NBC News last year said the procedure could cost $ 5,500.


"People from all over the state who have written to me are very excited about becoming a tree or having a different alternative for themselves," said the senator. Democrat Jamie Pedersen at NBC.


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