Washtenaw County vote results show big win for now officially certified Biden


ANN ARBOR, MI – It’s official: Joe Biden carried Washtenaw County with a margin of 100,895 votes.

The bipartisan county canvassing board finished certifying the results of the Nov. 3 election on Thursday (Nov. 12), said Ed Golembiewski, county electoral officer.

Washtenaw’s now official tally shows the former Democratic Vice President garnered more than 72% of the county’s vote against Republican President Donald Trump.

“I am 100% confident in the integrity of the Washtenaw County election and in the process that yielded official results today,” Golembiewski said, declining to comment on ongoing litigation challenging the county’s results.

The final tally after Democratic and Republican canvassers spent days scouring the county’s voter registers was 157,136 to 56,241, with Biden gaining six votes from the unofficial results initially reported last week.

Trump’s tally has remained the same.

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The two Republican solicitors for Washtenaw are former County Commissioner Dan Smith of Northfield Township and Teena Weaver-Gordon of Scio Township.

The Democrats are Mary Hall-Thiam and Doug Scott, both local officers of the Ann Arbor Democratic Party.

Under Michigan electoral law, a four-member council of canvassers is established in every county in the state. Members are appointed by the county Republican and Democratic presidents and appointed by county council, and they take an oath to uphold the constitution.

Weaver-Gordon is the wife of Washtenaw County Republican Party Chairman Bill Gordon.

“For the most part Washtenaw County was pretty well run and to my knowledge there were no major issues,” the party chairman said after the results were certified on Thursday.

“My biggest concern is that the enclosure is recountable, so this is something I was hoping the canvassers would pay close attention to, to make sure the enclosure will be recountable should it ever happen. Beyond that, I am satisfied.

The fact that Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County played an important role for Biden contributed to his narrow victory in Michigan, helping him clinch the presidency.

But four Michigan voters have filed a federal lawsuit to exclude presidential election results in Wayne, Washtenaw and Ingham counties, making allegations of fraud echoing other legal challenges raised since Trump took over. refused to concede what he calls a rigged election.

Federal lawsuit seeks to reject 1.2 million votes, flipping Michigan for Trump

Golembiewski explained how Biden garnered six more votes in the latest Washtenaw figures reported on Thursday.

This is the result of the inclusion of two provisional ballots deemed valid by the appropriate city / township clerk and five missing ballots that were legally received by the deadline but could not be compiled on polling day, he said.

“The votes cast on these ballots were added by the Washtenaw County Solicitors Council and included in the official results in accordance with their legal authority,” he said.

The bipartisan council carried out an in-depth review of the election results of each constituency and absentee counting council, Golembiewski said.

“Every vote was counted accurately,” he said.

He notes that the canvassers were so impressed with the thoroughness and accuracy of the voting results that they wrote a letter, signed by all four members, congratulating all city and county town clerks on the excellent election management work.

Read the letter:

Washtenaw County Results

A letter from the Washtenaw County Biparty Council canvassers after certifying the county’s 2020 election results.Washtenaw County

A total of 216,931 votes were cast in the presidential race in Washtenaw County, out of 217,820 total votes, officially reported as a turnout of 68%.

More than 3,500 county residents voted for third-party presidential candidates or written entries.

This includes 1,956 votes for libertarian Jo Jorgensen and 651 for Howie Hawkins of the Green Party.

195 others voted for Don Blankenship of the American Taxpayers and 101 for Rocky De La Fuente of the Natural Law Party, while 128 voted for Brian Carroll of the American Solidarity Party and 10 for Jade Simmons.

There were 513 rejected written votes, meaning many voters wrote on behalf of people who were not candidates.

“From what I’ve seen of the votes in writing, Bernie Sanders, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Kanye West, Jesus, Mickey Mouse and None of the Above were featured more than once,” Golembiewski said.

With a record turnout, Biden garnered 28,653 more votes here than Hillary Clinton against Trump in 2016, while Trump also garnered 5,610 more votes than last time.

View the county’s official 2020 election results.


Maps show how Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County voted in the 2020 election

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