Watch: American flags fly high against the Communist government of Cuba


A week after America celebrated its independence – and amid a romance of socialist principles from American politicians, celebrities and athletes – the people of Cuba took to the streets on Sunday to wave American flags high in the airs in opposition to their oppressive Communist. government.

In a heart-wrenching scene for Americans who have seen their media demolish American symbolism and swear to burn flags on a global platform, the people of Cuba – who live firsthand under a Communist dictatorship – continue to believe that the American The flag symbolizes an endless promise of opportunity, equality and freedom.

Fueled in recent years by cowardly Colin Kaepernick, the preference for communist ideals and the redefinition of American symbols as representations of “white supremacy” has steadily gained popularity among media figures seeking to profit from the dangerous rhetoric – while the citizens under the dictatorship continue to be tortured, killed and starved by their government.


According to the Fox News report, Cuban protesters marched through the streets hoisting American flags and chanting “we are not afraid”.

Watch OutKick’s Clay Travis attack Kaepernick, whose net worth of over $ 20 million couldn’t be a better indicator of the oxymoron politics the failed QB chooses to promote.

“After Colin Kaepernick decided not to defend the national anthem, he met the media immediately afterwards and he was wearing a Fidel Castro t-shirt. I don’t know if the best representative sample of free speech that you can choose is a communist dictator from a country where they still have to drive cars from the 1950s and 1960s.

“Not only that, Kaepernick then played against the Miami Dolphins and defended himself, as he was asked about it by many former Latin American refugees from Cuba, all over Venezuela, who saw the hand tough face-to-face socialism, he was asked about it… and he praised Cuba! As if Cuba was somehow something the United States should emulate.


While the Cuba video echoes the stance Clay has championed since Kaepernick donned the donkey hat, the struggle to preserve our nation’s ideals continues to affect not only Americans, but those who fight and die. around the world to keep the hope of freedom alive.

“So I think what Kaepernick stands for, in a lot of ways, is a rudimentary understanding of the basics of capitalism, democracy, history. He’s a guy who decided that hating America paid off for him. a lot of money… which is the ultimate irony, isn’t it? “


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