Watch an asteroid fly by Earth Today in the live webcast of Slooh!


This weekend you will see live an asteroid telescope crossing the Earth, thanks to the astronomer Slooh.

An asteroid known as 2000 QW7 is expected to cross the Earth closely, but safely, 3.3 million kilometers from the Earth, about 14 times the average distance between the Earth and the Moon. (NASA sent a statement reassuring people that It happens all the timeand there is no need to panic.) The closest approach to the asteroid will be at 19:54. EDT (23:54 GMT) Saturday, September 14th.

You can start watching the asteroid online an hour before it gets closer to Earth. Listen to the free live stream from Slooh to Saturday at 7pm. EDT (2300 GMT) to watch astronomer Slooh Paul Cox and several other guests explain the risks that asteroids can present for life on Earth. The broadcast will also include live images of Comet C / 2018 W2 (Africano), which should be the brightest comet of 2019.

You can watch the webcast here on, courtesy of Slooh. Viewers can ask questions about social media using #AskSlooh. Subscriptions for in-depth access to Slooh streaming services start at $ 20 per year.

This will be the first flyby of the planet by the 2000 QW7 asteroid since September 2000, date of its identification. It will not make any other approach before 2038. This rock space is between 290 and 650 meters wide.

This asteroid is considered part of NASA middle class of asteroids, which includes space rocks of at least 460 feet (140 m). While an asteroid of this size could have catastrophic local consequences if it hit the Earth, scientists know enough about the asteroid's orbit to reassure people that it will make a secure passage.

NASA (along with other space agencies and a network of partner telescopes) continuously tracks and identifies asteroids in the event that one of them poses a threat to the Earth, but up to the next day. at present, scientists have not identified any imminent problem. The other asteroid that will arrive this weekend will be 2010 CO1, which comes to the ground fairly regularly for the moment; he will get closer to 23:42. EDT tonight (14:34 GMT Sept. 14).

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