[WATCH] Fox News anchor reprimands critic of Donald Trump's network – Deadline


Your world hasAt the end of his show on Thursday, Neil Cavuto dedicated a segment to President Donald Trump's anti-Fox commentary, saying to the president: "My job is to cover you, not to get nested or tear you apart, but to bring you back, call bullets and hit you. "Watch the video below.

"It's what's called" fair and balanced, "Cavuto added," but it's fair to say that you're not a fan when the balance includes things that you do not like to hear or facts you do not like interviewed. You are only human, I understand that. Who likes to be corrected? But you are the president. It comes with work – just like checking what you say and what you do with my work.

Mark Lennihan / AP / Shutterstock

"After all," he continued, "I'm not the one who said that fares are a wonderful thing. You are. I am not the one who said that Mexico would pay for the wall. You did it. Just as I am not the one who claimed that Russia did not get involved in the 2016 election. You did it. I'm sorry you did not like these facts to be mentioned, but they are not wrong because I loved them. Which would be wrong if I never did it. "

Trump on wednesday tweeted"Fox is not working for us anymore." In an interview with Brian Kilmeade on Fox News Radio on Thursday, Trump said, "I'm not happy with Fox."

Fox News kept silent about Trump's comments, but some of his personalities spoke up. Brit Hume tweeted"Fox News is not supposed to work for you."

But Cavuto went much further than simply saying that Fox News is independent of Trump's presidency. He went through a litany of erratic remarks and false denials of Trump.

Cavuto noted that the President had said that he liked his Secretary of State at the time, Rex Tillerson, until he did not like it; denied having intended to dismiss the Home Secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, so he did it; and called Chinese President Xi Jinping an "enemy" last week but a "great leader" this week.

He also cited a series of other cases that Trump has denied or revoked, including awards given to the adult movie actress Stormy Daniels to silence her, as well as the order given by Trump to Don McGahn, the White House lawyer, to dismiss special advocate Robert Mueller. This last statement was included in Mueller's report on Russia's interference in the 2016 elections.

"The fake is when it's wrong, Mr. President, not when it's unpleasant," he said.

He said that although Trump may complain about negative media coverage, he can not equate this with denying the facts.

"You are entitled to your own point of view, Mr. President, but you are not entitled to your own set of facts," he added.


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