We need to vaccinate the whole world


Dr Anthony Fauci, who has insisted that people should continue to adhere to strict public health measures even after being vaccinated, said the Chinese coronavirus will remain a threat, which is why officials must ultimately do vaccinate the “whole world”.

Talk to NPRs Fresh air, the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases stressed that vaccinating the majority of the population remains a key objective in the fight against the virus. At the same time, officials must “double down on public health measures of wearing the uniform of masks, physically distancing themselves, avoiding meeting places – especially indoors.”

But such drastic measures, he said, should also extend globally.

“You have to be able to vaccinate – with the help of the developed world – the whole world,” he said, according to NPR.

“As we allow this infection to exist to any degree in any part of the world, it will always be a threat. So we have to approach that the way we approach smallpox, the way we approach polio and the way we approach measles and other devastating global epidemics, ”he continued.


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