We see your comments on COVID on our Facebook page. Many of them are completely wrong.


MADISON, Wisconsin – One thing that doesn’t help stop the spread of the deadly delta variant is the spread of misinformation on social media. Our social media pages are no exception either. We’ve brought some of the more common comments we’ve seen over the past week to UW Health’s Dr Jeff Pothof, who explained why they’re not true.

50% of doctors are not vaccinated. “

The number is not 50%. 96% of physicians are fully immunized, according to the American Medical Association. And that number will soon be 98%, as half of unvaccinated physicians are currently in the middle of their immunization series.

If the vaccine worked, some fully vaccinated people would not get sick yet. “

There is no such thing as a 100% effective vaccine. Dr Pothof explained that it is not so much about the vaccine, but about humans. Some have good immune systems, some don’t. People who are immunocompromised have a higher risk of contracting COVID regardless of their vaccination status, according to the CDC.

“The vaccine makes people sick. “

Not only is this not true, but Dr Pothof said it is very rare to hear of someone who has received the vaccine ends up in hospital due to COVID. When this happens, doctors say there is always more to the story, such as an underlying disease.

What is this is true and more and more worrying:

1.8% of people who contract COVID will die from it.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website is a great resource for accurate and up-to-date information on COVID-19.


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