‘We think there is immunity in the community’


Kirk Cameron says he will continue to hold outdoor mass rallies, optionally masked, to peacefully protest California Governor Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order amid the coronavirus pandemic.

After being criticized for hosting an event on Sunday outside The Oaks Mall in Thousand Oaks, Calif., And another earlier this month with more than 500 attendees, the former Growing pains star, a Christian evangelist, defended himself on Fox News Wednesday. The segment was juxtaposed with a ruling by a California judge that two state strip clubs may remain open during the lockdown.

Asked about Thousand Oaks Mayor Claudia Bill-de la Peña, calling the gatherings “unchristian” for “ignoring all directions,” Cameron replied, apparently unaware that the mayor was a woman, “Well he is no one to judge someone else’s faith.

The former child star continued, “I look around in my community and see the devastation and suffering of people whose businesses have gone bankrupt, people struggling with anxiety, depression, suicide increases, victims of violence are quarantined with their attackers. and I cannot ignore this. I love my neighbors and therefore I want to give them hope.

He added: “We are giving people a chance to come and sing songs of hope – and that’s exactly what people want to do on Christmas.”

Cameron was asked just one other question in the interview and that was whether he would continue to host the “Sing It Louder” protests.

“Absolutely! The people are just clamoring to come and be a part of them,” he said. “This is the land of the free and the land of the brave and there are thousands and thousands of people in our community who prefer not to suffer in isolation and go out to sing and express their gratitude. Because we believe that there is immunity in the community, but there is desolation in isolation and I want to give hope to the people.

Mall security reportedly called Thousand Oaks police to the scene on Sunday, but officers reportedly encouraged revelers to put on masks and leave. While there has been widespread criticism of the maskless display, the rally does not violate any rules as people can still gather for church services and outdoor protests despite regional orders to stay home .

Thousand Oaks is the second largest city in Ventura County. Earlier this month, hospitalizations linked to COVID-19 reached record highs in Ventura County – and on Tuesday only 1% of intensive care beds were available, which led the public health official to county to again warn residents of the consequences of not masking or allowing social distancing. .

“If a hospital were a car, it would make noise right now,” Dr. Robert Levin told CBS Los Angeles. “The numbers are getting astronomical. People will die without needing to die.

In neighboring Los Angeles County, with 10 million people, fewer than 100 intensive care beds remain. At LA County Medical Center + USC, there were no intensive care beds available.

For the latest news and updates on the coronavirus, follow to https://news.yahoo.com/coronavirus. According to experts, people over 60 and those with compromised immune systems continue to be at greatest risk. If you have any questions, please consult the CDC‘the sand WHO resource guides.

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