Weber State professor launches offer to US Senate to overthrow Lee | News, Sports, Jobs


Evan Barlow is an unaffiliated candidate for the seat of the US Senate now held by Mike Lee.

OGDEN – One Professor at Weber State University launched a bid for the US Senate post now held by His. Mike lee, driven by a range of feelings.

“I think the best way to describe it is a combination of feelings of hopelessness, hope, responsibility and opportunity,” noted “”> Evan Barlow, an assistant professor of supply chain management at Weber State University who lives in Pleasant View. He says he is “at the center of the political spectrum” and that he is presenting himself as an unaffiliated candidate, not linked to any political party.

The timing, with the Senate seat opening, was in Barlow’s decision to run for public office for the first time.

But, he added, “I wasn’t very happy with some of the things (Lee) did.” He pointed to Lee’s controversial statement during the US presidential campaign last year comparing then-President Donald Trump to Captain Moroni, a military commander of the Book of Mormon.

He also cited the “manipulator” tone of political discourse lately, with some actors, he said, practically encouraging violence.

The election in the race for the US Senate is not held until next year, but Barlow joins a growing list of candidates for the seat. Among the prospects are GOPers Becky Edwards, Ally Isom and Brendan Wright. Allen Glines of Ogden is one of three Democratic candidates listed on the United States Federal Election Commission website.

As an unaffiliated candidate in a Republican-leaning state, Barlow faces an uphill battle. A poll released last week by OH Predictive Insights, an opinion polling company, showed Lee had 45% support among the top GOP candidates. Next are Wright and Edwards, with around 3% support each, while 48% said they were undecided.

Despite this, Barlow expressed confidence, saying he thinks he has a chance if he can get his point across, gain public recognition. He called him the “Communication game”.

The Republican Party, he said, “Left many of its members feeling lost”. Last year, many GOPers voted against Democratic candidate and future presidential winner Joe Biden in 2020 instead of voting for Trump.

As an unaffiliated candidate, Barlow needs 1,000 signatures on petitions to appear on the ballot, he said. If he reaches the number, which he thinks he can do, he would land a place on the general election ballot on November 8, 2022, bypassing the primary.

Among the big problems, in his opinion, is public concern “about the future.” People are worried about the lack of affordable housing, health care costs and the sustainability of economic growth, he said.

“My positions are based on the mission and values ​​of this nation; logic, reason, data and truth; and empathy and compassion ”, he writes on his website.

Sustainable materials, energy and industry are the key to sustainable growth, according to Barlow.

“I have an enviro-economic plan that contains specific details on how to grow the economy while reducing greenhouse gas emissions – without putting undue strain on livelihoods” he said. Following his plan could cut America’s greenhouse gas emissions in half over the next decade, he said.

He said the public health system is important and may need additional funds, but added that those who receive help also have a responsibility.

“I think that we are currently under-investing in public health”, he wrote. But, he continued, those who receive help “Should expect limitations, restrictions, incentives and penalties to promote a healthy lifestyle and properly respect the sacrifices made to fund health care.”


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