Weight Loss: Why is Wholegrain Cereal the Best Choice for Your Diet If You Want to Lose Weight?


Weight loss efforts can begin in the morning with a healthy breakfast. The cereal is the favorite meal of the British on waking – but many options are available these days. With such a plethora of choices, it can be hard to know what to look for. If you are looking to lose weight, make sure to eat whole grains.

Whole grain cereals are the best breakfast choice to control weight and improve health, the Dairy Council of California explained.

Whole grains include wheat, rice, corn, oats, rye, barley and millet.

They are high in dietary fiber, which can help improve the digestive system and reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

A high-fiber diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

An Iowa study on women's health in 2007 found that women who ate whole grains at least twice a day were 30% less likely to die from an inflammation-related illness on a period of 17 years than those who rarely or never ate whole grains, reported the Dairy Council. of California.

The British Heart Foundation (BHF) says that porridge is their best and healthiest breakfast.

"All oatmeal is a wholegrain cereal and all contains a soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which can help lower your cholesterol levels if you have 3 g or more a day, as part of a healthy diet." a healthy diet, "said BHF.

Try a portion of porridge made with 40g of oats and semi-skimmed milk for a healthy choice, but do not add extra sugar or salt.

The NHS also recommends whole grain cereal crackers and shredded whole grain pillows.

He also advises you to consume 400 calories at breakfast (drinks and accompaniments included) if you want to maintain a healthy weight.

"You could get about 150 kcal from a 40g serving of cereals" Dietician Azmina Govindji tells NHS. "You can add a medium sliced ​​banana and 200 ml of semi-skimmed milk, which would give about 350 kcal.

"You need fuel in the morning and starting the day with a hearty breakfast can help you avoid eating a less healthy snack in the middle of the morning to keep you up until breakfast."

It is also important to have your breakfast at an optimal time if you want to lose weight.

A 2015 study published in the scientific journal Obesity revealed that the best time to have breakfast was between 6am and 9:45 am.

Taking a high-protein meal during this time was linked to a reduced risk of body fat intake.

Researchers also found that breakfast at this time reduced hunger throughout the day. The above was not the case for those who were waiting to have breakfast after 10am.


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