Weird ‘gravitational molecules’ could orbit black holes like electrons swirling around atoms


Black holes are remarkable for a lot of things, especially their simplicity. These are just … holes. They are “blacks”. This simplicity allows us to draw surprising parallels between black holes and other branches of physics. For example, a team of researchers showed that a special type of particle can exist around a pair of black holes in the same way that an electron can exist around a pair of hydrogen atoms – the first example of a “gravitational molecule”. This strange object can give us clues to the identity of black matter and the ultimate nature of space-time.

Plow the field

To understand how the new research, which was published in September in the Pre-Print Database arXiv, explains the existence of a gravitational molecule, we must first explore one of the most fundamental – and unfortunately almost never mentioned – aspects of modern physics: the field.


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