Welcome back Connecticut College News


Of all the lessons we have learned from this pandemic that we are still living through, one of the deepest, I think, has to do with the very question of community: what is it precious to be? in residence with others. .

President Catherine Bergeron

The Connecticut College community celebrates our full return to campus and the extraordinary efforts that have brought us together as so many communities around the world must remain separate. Our deep commitment to one another – the care and concern we take in all of our interactions – has provided a safe environment for our students to continue to learn and grow during the difficult 2020-2021 academic year.

But now we’re back. All of us.

And we welcomed our new camels to the herd. The Class of 2025 arrived to the cheers and the volunteers who helped them move in and immediately feel at home.

We also marked the start of the academic year with a moving Summons ceremony that included the class of 2024, whose arrival on campus at the height of the pandemic was, of necessity, a more low-key affair.

Our celebrations continue. As is our commitment to our community. And we see a promising path.


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