What are the causes of different types of chronic headaches and migraines?


Stop letting migraine (or any other type of headache) disrupt your daily life.

By Luisa Colon

Headache. Sometimes they manifest themselves spontaneously, immediately destroying our ability to amuse ourselves, to focus on work or to function as a human being. Other times, we feel this creeping warning with just the beginning of pain and pressure behind the eyes or behind the head, which leads to a desperate self-questioning.

Should I take pain medication now or wait? Could a cup of coffee help or make things worse? How long will it last?

But if you want to know what is the best way to get rid of a headache, especially when you experience chronic headaches everyday, you must start by asking yourself what causes different types of headaches .

Of course, headaches happen to everyone for various reasons from time to time, and these types of headaches will probably be treated the same way as if you had an almost constant headache.

Frequent headaches are still sometimes called "chronic daily headaches", but Dr. Alexander Mauskop, neurologist and director of the New York Headache Center in New York, is a doctor who no longer uses this term.

Instead, he says, "we divide the very common headaches into categories of chronic migraine, which is by far the most common type of headache that was once called" daily headaches. chronicle ".


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