What does a black hole look like, according to NASA / Boing Boing


What does a black hole look like, according to NASA / Boing Boing

I would not want to be so close. [NASA]

The new visualization of a black hole by Rhis shows how her gravity distorts our vision, distorting her environment as if she were seen in a carnival mirror. The visualization simulates the appearance of a black hole where infiltrating matter has accumulated in a thin, hot structure called an accretion disk. The extreme gravity of the black hole inclines the light emitted by different regions of the disc, thus producing the deformed aspect.

Brilliant knots form and dissipate constantly in the disk in the form of magnetic fields that wrap and twist through the gas. Nearer the black hole, the gas rotates around the speed of light, while the outer parts turn a little slower. This difference stretches and shears clear knots, producing bright, dark lines in the disc.

Looks like the math artists have understood Interstellar.

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Rob Beschizza

Follow Rob @beschizza on Twitter.



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