What does eating too much protein do for your health


Protein seems to have been crowned as the most sought after "macronutrient". Good hair, good muscles, good things, protein! Honestly, a protein intake is needed. And its benefits have been widely discussed – management of weight loss, good bone health and lowering of blood pressure, among others.

Amy Kubal, a Registered Dietician from South Dakota, explained, "Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. To preserve, repair and develop muscles, proteins are essential in your diet. "But the problem is when your protein intake is excessive.

Normal protein intake

Before understanding the effects of excessive protein intake, it is important to know the required daily protein intake. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 g per kilogram of your body weight. However, the increase in energy expenditure is offset by a higher protein intake. This is due to intense muscle breakdown after exercise.

Studies have shown that the best way to maximize the benefits of protein is to regulate your protein intake. In other words, plan your meals so that you can eat protein in small amounts throughout the day. Chicken, turkey, eggs, lentils, cottage cheese and Greek yogurt are excellent sources of protein.

Excessive intake of protein

In normal cases, eating too much protein just satiates you. You will need more energy to digest everything. So it's a good idea for people who are interested in weight loss practices. But nothing more than that can be harmful. Your body tends to store more protein in the form of fat, so it is essential to burn it.

In addition, if you have kidney problems, a high protein diet can damage your condition. Similarly, if you are advised to consume less lean meats, such as reducing sausages and hot dogs for your heart health, you will probably have to stay away from too much protein.

When your protein intake is high and your other nutrients are compromised, side effects persist. For example, low fiber intake can lead to constipation. Meat and dairy products are not high in fiber, so you must eat vegetables to maintain your digestive health.

What if you have eaten too much protein?

There is not much to fear, though. Make sure you drink water to remove nitrogen from the protein and improve the health of your kidneys. And of course, a balanced diet is the solution to most of your problems. Include any macronutrients you may have skipped. It is ideal to have regular checkups, so keep that in mind as well.

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