What happened to Loki after Avengers: Endgame? – / Movie


what happened to loki

Uh-oh, it looks like these Russo boys are new! Nothing will stop the russo brothers to explain every thing that happened in Avengers: End of the game! This time, the filmmakers are telling what happened to Tom HiddlestonLoki after escaping with the space stone. I guess it's a spoiler, but the Russo themselves said the spoiler embargo was lifted. So keep reading to find out what happened to Loki after End of Game.

Loki met his end early in Avengers: war in the infinitebut we all knew he would not stay dead forever. At the same time, every person from Marvel Studios swore that the characters who died in War of Infinity that is to say, those who have not evaporated after the break-up would remain dead. So how did the Russo brothers solve this problem with End of Game? Time travel and alternative dimensions, my friends.

The Loki who died in War of Infinity is still dead, but the Loki of the past – around the events of the first Avengers movie – is alive and well. And he managed to escape the capture by grabbing the space rock and disappearing. We will not see him again for the rest of the movie, but the implication is clear: this Loki is alive, and this will be the version of the character that we will see in the next films. Of course, it's here that things get complicated. Thor: The World of Darkness has a whole story about Loki being imprisoned and developing as a character. This arc continues in Thor: Ragnarok, where Loki and Thor get even closer, even though Loki is still a bit devious. But that's the version of Loki that locked up in Asgard – something that did not happen with the currently living Loki. So, how does it all work?

In speaking with Business Insider, the Russo tried to make sense of it all. The bottom line is that we are dealing with "connected realities," according to Joe Russo:

"Loki, when he teleports with the [Space] Stone, would create his own timeline. It becomes very complicated, but it would be impossible for [Cap] to rectify the timeline unless he finds Loki. As soon as Loki does something as dramatic as taking the stone out of space, he creates a ramified reality. "

(Strangely enough, the Russo spoke badly in the interview and called the stone the stone space of time, but suppose it's an innocent mistake.)

"We are dealing with this idea of ​​multiverse and different realities," added Anthony Russo. "There are so many realities." Is there a reality where the Russo brothers do not constantly explain elements of their film? If so, can I go?

Whatever it is, Loki gets his own Disney + show, so you can bet that this hip reality will come into play at some point.

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