What happened when I stopped drinking coffee daily for a week?


Here is a transcript of the video.

Abby Tang: This week has been terrible. I hated it and I will never do it again.

I am Abby. I love coffee and I abandon it for a week because Business Insider is making me. I drink coffee every day, several times a day, many types: cold, hot. And I'm going to give it up, I suppose. I have no idea how many cups of coffee I drink. Just like a constant state of filling my cup. At home, it's harder because I have to do it myself and I'm lazy, so I'll usually only have a French press because that's all it takes that I can handle. I think the max is like many cold breweries. I can drink it cold much faster, which is very dangerous because I drink a very large coffee, and then I speak twice as fast and twice as much, so I think I end up reducing the productivity of my team. My biggest challenge will be not to drink coffee. I think it's going to be, for example, that getting into the scales in the morning will be hard. So, tomorrow will be my first day without coffee. I'm not excited for that, sad enough, but I'm going to be too tired to complain about it.

Today was my first day without coffee. Honestly, I forgot. I did not drink coffee because I am very sick. The hardest part of not having coffee today was around 15 hours. when I realized that I still had to keep working. But as the week progresses and I overcome this disease, I become more and more angry at not having coffee, I think the situation will worsen.

It's the third day, no coffee. I am no longer sick and I feel the loss of caffeine. Just after lunch, I usually go get my second or third coffee of the day. And since I could not do it today, I almost fell asleep at my desk. I just want to get it back. At around 14h or 15h it's when I start to lose any concentration. I feel much more tired today in the afternoon. Here's when I want coffee in general during the day. I want it when I go to work. This is part of my routine: office-kitchen-office. And then I want it right after lunch because I eat too much and get tired that way, so I have to fight it with another cup of coffee. The first is the easiest to avoid because there is still a lot to do at the beginning of the day so I am distracted. But the afternoon cups are a necessity. Everyone around me drinks coffee. The office on my right has a cafe. She has a desk standing and I'm not up. The coffee is at the height of my eyes, which is a torture. I can feel it. I can see him. For some reason, people have cafes the size of a monster today. I have the impression that it was to torture me. I do not wait for the next few days without coffee. I'm really looking forward to it.

The plan was to get up around 9 am and start preparing my apartment. It is now 11:30. I can not overcome this tired bump without a cup of coffee.

OK, so this week was different than I thought. It was not really as if things were getting really difficult and then it was fine. Some days were more difficult than others. The days I was at home were the most difficult because I had no other concerns than the desire to drink coffee and then the occasional afternoon at work mainly because it disturbed my routine. I was sometimes more tired, but I think the biggest hurdle to overcome was simply not to consider it in my day. So I went to work in the morning without having my cup of coffee, and then I felt grumpy. And then, finishing the day was so difficult because I'm used to having a second pick-me-up. I thought, "I do not really want to do that, but I have to." And usually, with my cup of coffee, I say to myself "Okay, it's time to work."

So, I think it was more a change in attitude than a change in productivity. I had definitely less headaches this week, almost none, probably because I drank more water and less caffeine. That being said, I still want coffee. People were hiding me their coffee, so I know at least that I've put other people uncomfortably throughout this period, while I was struggling with it. 39; ease. I do not want to cut the coffee. Coffee and I are like that, and I'm not ready to lose this relationship yet.

Thank you. It's perfect. It's the best type of ice too.


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