What helps prevent dementia? Try exercise, no vitamins


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By Associated press

If you want to save your brain, focus on maintaining the rest of your body with exercise and healthy habits rather than vitamin pills, here are new guidelines to prevent dementia.

Currently, about 50 million people have dementia and Alzheimer's disease is the most common type. The report released Tuesday by the World Health Organization reports 10 million new cases each year.

Although age is the main risk factor, "dementia is not a natural or inevitable consequence of aging," says the report.

Many health problems and behaviors affect the chances of developing it, and research suggests that one-third of cases are preventable, said Maria Carrillo, chief scientist at the Alzheimer's Association, who issued a similar opinion.

Since dementia is currently incurable and so many experimental therapies have failed, focusing on prevention could "give us more benefits in the short term," Carrillo said.

Most of WHO's advice is common sense and echoes what the US National Institute on Aging says.

This includes getting enough exercise; treat other health problems such as diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia; have an active social life and avoid or limit harmful habits such as smoking, eating too much and drinking too much alcohol. Some of them are unlikely to help preserve thinking skills, but they are known for their overall health benefit, according to the WHO.

Eating well, and possibly following a Mediterranean-style diet, can help prevent dementia, say the guidelines. But they take a firm stand against vitamin B or E pills, fish oil or multi-complex supplements that are promoted for brain health because solid research has shown that they do not work.


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