Each week, we harness the collective knowledge of the Tom & # 39; s Hardware community to find the answers to our most pressing questions. This week, we want to know what is the best royal battle game.
Epic Games has announced the details of its Fortnite World Cup, and the numbers are huge. With a competitive prize pool of $ 100,000,000, Fortnite is preparing to take the esport to a whole new level. The announcement of the Fortnite World Cup puts an end to another winning month for Battle Royale, the quintessence of Epic Games. Epic recently confirmed with Variety Magazine that 10.7 million simultaneous players had attended the Marshmello concert in the game. Fortnite saw 7.6 million other players competing concurrently on Saturday, Feb. 16, which represents the largest number simultaneous players outside event periods. Fortnite is a game of millions and a force to be reckoned with, not just in sports, but for the entertainment industry at large.
To put these numbers in perspective, I took a look at other huge competitions, namely the World Cup and the Super Bowl. According to FIFA, the FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 "has been broadcast in all countries and territories of the planet" and has been broadcast on TVs around the world, reaching "more than 3.2 billion 46.4% of the world's population. Although impressive, keep in mind that these figures are "based on viewers who watch at least a minute of coverage". There were 2.2 billion viewers who watched 20 consecutive minutes of coverage, which is still a crazy number. The fortnite figures are hardly comparable, but what about compared to a more regional event, like the Super Bowl?
The Super Bowl reached its peak in 2015 with more than 114 million viewers. Since then, its audience is down, decreasing by 3 to 5% per year. Last year, 98.2 million people watched the New England Patriots beat the Los Angeles Rams at the Super Bowl LIII.
Clearly, Fortnite is neither the Super Bowl nor the World Cup, but its numbers are impressive. Taking into account broadband penetration in the United States adds an additional perspective to these numbers. In 2017, about 110 million households were broadband subscribers. This means that Fortnite was playing the equivalent of about one-tenth of all American households equipped with broadband at the Marshmello concert. Of course, the Fortnite audience is global and the Super Bowl is aired on almost all US TVs. So it's more a comparison between apples and oranges, but it's still interesting to think.
While Fortnite is perhaps the biggest game of Battle Royale, is it the best? This is of course subjective opinion. I'm not a great Royale player myself, but Apex Legends is a newcomer who could give Fortnite the courage of his money. And do not forget OG PUBG, the game that launched the genre in March 2017.
And so, dear readers, we ask you this question so that you can discuss it over the weekend. What is the best royal battle game? Tell us what you think about Tom's Hardware forums.
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