What is the effectiveness of coconut oil when it is used as sunscreen


Summers have arrived and it is time to spend wonderful moments with your loved ones around a delicious brunch. There are many reasons to love this season and many reasons to hate it too! Well, the summer season brings a heat wave, which is unpleasant for the body and its impact is clearly visible on the skin. Therefore, it becomes important to take care of the skin in this season because the sun's rays cause burns, tanning and uneven pigmentation.

According to some research reports, the sun's ultraviolet and infrared rays can lead to several skin diseases, such as pigmentation, skin burns, skin cancer, as well as aging of the skin. Several studies have proven that coconut oil can actually block about 20% of the sun's harmful rays.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, an SPF of 30 or higher, which will block 97% of the sun's rays. Research has shown that the use of coconut oil in sunscreens as well as other ingredients can effectively protect against skin diseases as well as deadly skin cancers such as melanoma.


In fact, many cosmetics manufacturers have finally started to mix coconut oil with other ingredients that cover the UVA / UVB rays well. On the contrary, coconut oil can not be enough to cover the need for sunscreen. Therefore, it is mixed with other natural ingredients such as jojoba, citrus and sunflower, to name a few.

In a nutshell, we can conclude that coconut oil is an effective natural sunscreen, but only when it is amalgamated with other natural ingredients. So stay healthy and beautiful!


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