What is the hard-boiled egg diet?


Search for “hard-boiled egg diet” and you might be shocked to learn that, yes, there is a weight loss trend that revolves around the consumption of hard-boiled eggs. Since you probably have * a lot * of questions right now, we’ll clear them up for you.

For starters, the hard-boiled egg diet doesn’t involve eating only eggs (phew). The hard-boiled egg diet is based on the idea that eating at least two or three hard-boiled eggs a day can help you lose weight.

But are hard-boiled eggs really the Which Food Is Going To Be The X Factor Of Weight Loss Success? Spoiler: probably not. But there’s a lot to that, so we chatted with experts on the hard-boiled egg diet, the results it brings, and how it impacts your body.

What is the hard-boiled egg diet?

Yes, there are hard-boiled eggs involved. “While there are some varieties of this plan, it usually involves eating two eggs with fruit for breakfast and eggs or other lean protein for lunch and dinner, as well as non-starchy vegetables,” the says. New York dietitian Erin Palinski. Wade, RDN.

While it may sound relatively healthy, the hard-boiled egg diet is a fad diet. “This is a version of a low calorie, low carbohydrate diet that will promote weight loss, but will not be sustainable in the long term and will not provide your body with a balanced diet,” she says. You can lose weight temporarily, but the results won’t necessarily last.

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How do you follow the boiled egg diet?

“There are different versions of the diet, but the most common is three meals a day, with no snacks or desserts,” says Keri Gans, a registered dietitian and nutritionist in New York City.

Throughout the day, you should make sure to eat three eggs, or two eggs as a minimum. You’re also free to consume lean protein, non-starchy vegetables, specific fruits, and a bit of fat, Gans notes. Specifically, some “allowed” food samples, according to Gans, are:

Lean protein

  • Skinless chicken
  • Skinless turkey
  • Skinless duck
  • Fish
  • Pork fillet
  • Pork sirloin

    Non-starchy vegetables

    • kale
    • Courgette
    • Spinach
    • peppers
    • Asparagus
    • Celery
    • Carrots
    • Broccoli
    • Onions

      Limited fruits

      • Watermelon
      • Berries
      • Grapefruit
      • Lemons
      • Lime

        Small amounts of fat

        • Coconut oil
        • Butter
        • Mayonnaise

          That said, while there are some common foods that you can eat on the hard-boiled egg diet, there is also a significant list of foods that you are not supposed to eat while on this limited plan. “Aside from eggs, non-starchy vegetables and a little bit of fruit, other food groups such as grains, dairy products and fats are all off limits,” Palinski-Wade said.

          Specifically, the diet suggests avoiding all processed foods, and even other vegetables like potatoes, corn, peas and legumes, Gans says. You are also asked to avoid certain fruits: bananas, pineapples, mangoes, dried fruits and sugary drinks, explains Gans.

          So if you’re aiming for a balanced diet that includes grains, dairy, various fruits, and fats (which is totally understandable), it’s important that you note these limits before diving into a hard-boiled egg plan.

          Is the hard-boiled egg diet healthy?

          Not enough. “The foods recommended in the diet have health benefits, but because there are so many other foods to avoid, the diet is considered very restrictive,” says Gans.

          You should also know that there are long term concerns. “It’s a restrictive and unbalanced way of eating that could lead to long-term nutritional deficiencies and is unsustainable,” adds Palinski-Wade.

          It is best to speak with a health care provider before trying it.

          Will the hard-boiled egg diet help you lose weight?

          If weight loss is important to you, know that you will likely lose weight on this diet, says Palinski-Wade, because it is low in calories and low in carbohydrates. “The initial weight loss will include water loss, which will lead to ‘exciting’ results, but not much actual loss of body fat.

          Over time, the calorie deficit will lead to body fat loss, but the chances of sustaining these results are low depending on how restrictive they are, ”notes Palinski-Wade.

          What are the potential dangers of this diet?

          It’s true that eggs are a versatile, nutrient-dense food rich in vitamins and minerals, and “a great addition to any diet,” says Gans. “But you should never focus on just one food or nutrient to lose weight.” So if you are trying the hard-boiled egg diet, be sure to diversify your protein sources and eat a variety of foods so that you don’t get all of your nutrients in the same meals every day.

          If you have a history of eating disorders or think you might be susceptible to an eating disorder, reconsider the hard-boiled egg diet, says Palinski-Wade.

          Another reason why the results are difficult to maintain? “Because the diet is very restrictive, you don’t learn anything about how to eat a healthy, balanced diet for long-term success, but rather how to deprive yourself of eating foods you might enjoy,” explains Gans. If you have a history of eating disorders or think you might be susceptible to an eating disorder, reconsider the hard-boiled egg diet, says Palinski-Wade.

          Most likely, you will end up gaining the weight you lose, and possibly more, because you may overeat by following such a restrictive plan, Palinski-Wade says. Proceed with caution. (But if you like hard-boiled eggs, eat them in moderation!)

          The bottom line: The lack of variety in the boiled egg diet creates an unsustainable and possibly nutrient deficient diet if done long term.

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