What is the healthiest nut butter?


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By Keri Glassman, R.D.

Nut butters are on my list of foods that I eat every day.

Not only are they deliciously delicious, but they also contain both healthy proteins and fats that our body digests slowly, which means that we stay satisfied longer than eating foods with fast-digesting carbohydrates. They also contain important vitamins and minerals in different amounts and combinations depending on the nuts.

I regularly add nut butter to my smoothies, mix it with yogurt (if you have not tried yogurt PB & J, it's time!) And add the with oatmeal. Or for a quick and easy snack, I'll take a piece of fruit with nut butter.

But while the radius of nut butter at the grocery store contained only peanut pots, there are now many options.

Whatever nuts you pick, consider these tips: Think about choosing natural and / or organic brands made only of nuts and salt. Ideally, you do not want sugar, hydrogenated oils or additional additives. And do not fall in nuts: nut butters are rich in nutrients, but high in calories, so a little can go very far. Watch for the size of your portion, that is, try not to eat blindly in the pot with a spoon.

With this in mind, here is some information on the healthiest nut butters at the grocery store.

Peanut butter

Classic peanut butter is good for your health because it brings both healthy fats and proteins (phew!). Compared to almond butter, it is richer in protein and slightly less fat, making it the cheapest choice. Many people worry about aflatoxins, carcinogens linked to liver cancer and produced by a fungus that often grows on peanut crops. The United States tests them and does not leave them in food at a level considered dangerous. You will probably be exposed to very little peanut butter, but it is unlikely to affect your health.

The other problem is allergies.

Since many people are allergic to peanuts, you may need to choose another option to put in your child's lunch box.

Almond butter

As mentioned, the almond contains a little less protein than peanut and a little more fat, but it is an excellent source of both. It also contains more calcium and iron, two essential nutrients that people often need in their diets. The taste is a bit more polarizing than peanut – although some people like it, it's not very appealing. Bonus: If you are on a paleo diet, which focuses on the foods that promoters think our earliest ancestors probably ate, almond butter is approved (just like cashews and nuts); Peanut butter is not a pale because peanuts are technically legumes.

Cashew butter is creamy and delicious, but contains less protein than other popular nut butters.Alamy

Cashew nut butter

Cashew butter has started to appear all over the last year, probably because it is so creamy and delicious. Its main nutritional differentiator is that it contains much less protein than other nut butters. Think of it as a light snack and not a muscle builder after training. It is also a good source of iron and magnesium. A major advantage: cashews are naturally sweeter than other nuts. It is therefore easier to find cashew nut jars with no added sugar.

Walnut butter

Walnut butter is rarer, but in the midst of this dazzling boom of nut butter, it will likely continue to appear more and more on the shelves. Like cashews, it contains much less protein than peanut butters and almonds. But nuts are especially rich in special omega-3 fatty acids, and they also contain powerful antioxidants called polyphenols.

Which brings me to an important conclusion: all nuts (and therefore nut butter!) Are amazing sources of antioxidants, which fight free radicals in the body to prevent disease. They are also linked to all sorts of benefits to heart health, such as lower cholesterol levels. So choose your favorite product based on your specific taste and nutritional needs, then take a knife and start spreading.


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