What should you do about red, dry, itchy skin in newborns?


Atopic dermatitis is a common and chronic skin condition in which the skin becomes red, irritated and dry. This is seen more often in children than in adults. It is the most common group of skin diseases in India.

It is said that about 20% of children develop atopic dermatitis and that 60% of children develop eczema in the first year of life. It is more common in winter than any other season. We spoke exclusively with Dr. Robert Sidbury, Head of the Division of Dermatology at Seattle Children's Hospital and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Washington, Washington University School of Medicine. His expertise lies in atopic dermatitis (AD).

What are the triggers for AD?
Atopic dermatitis is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some children with atopic dermatitis may have specific triggers that increase itching and rashes. External factors such as cold, heat and sweating can increase itching. Other common triggers are bathing for longer, do not apply moisturizing creams as this can cause dry skin, low moisture, stress, friction, synthetic clothing / wool aggressive soaps and detergents, fragrances, bubble baths and soft toys. Pollen, dust, pillows and parthenium (congress grass) can trigger atopic dermatitis. Some foods such as milk, dairy products, eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat and seafood can trigger atopic dermatitis, but in only a few patients. The above foods should not be unnecessarily interrupted in children without proper testing as they may cause nutritional deficiency. Sometimes the infection can increase the rash.

What is the scope of the treatment?
Atopic dermatitis is a well controllable disease and there are many treatments that can help manage skin problems. The treatment includes delicate skin care like a daily bath with lukewarm water, the use of moisturizing soaps, a short bath (5 to 10 minutes) and the application of creams Regular moisturizers (eg, Cetaphil Baby Restoraderm) all over the body after bathing. Rashes can be treated with a topical steroid. There are many topical steroids available in different concentrations (eg, Desowen 0.5% cream / lotion). The choice of a suitable steroid is important to prevent side effects. Therefore, it should be applied with the consultation of your doctor. Newer medications are available, such as tacrolimus ointment, which is very helpful. For severe cases, oral therapy (systemic drugs) is required. They can cause serious side effects and should therefore be monitored regularly with blood counts with your doctor's consultation. Oral antihistamines can be given. Avoiding triggers is necessary

What can parents do to prevent AD?
Yes, many measures can be taken to prevent atopic dermatitis. The specific triggers mentioned above can be avoided. Avoid contact with any substance that may cause or increase the allergy. Recently it has been found that regular application of moisturizers on the skin from birth could prevent atopic dermatitis, particularly if a family member was suffering from allergic rhinitis or asthma.

What is the impact of Alzheimer's disease on the quality of life?
Atopic dermatitis affects the quality of life of children and parents (caregivers). The skin is so irritated that children spend their time scratching, which increases the rashes that cause sleep problems. Children do not sleep because of itching and parents also lose sleep by taking care of their child. The loss of sleep and the stress of rashes and itching can cause anxiety and depression in children. This can affect their academic performance. They try to avoid going to school because they are being bullied by their friends. The growth of the child can be affected if the child does not have adequate food because of the itching. Children can not mingle with others because of visible skin lesions. The social life of parents is also affected. As atopic dermatitis involves the regular application of creams, the family is struggling with a huge financial burden.

How should parents choose baby skin care products?
The skin of babies is soft and different from that of adults. Therefore, the care products used should not be aggressive to the skin of babies. Parents should take special care of their baby's skin. There are many baby skin care products available on the market. Parents still do not know which skin care products to use. They are informed by family members, relatives and friends of different products available on the market. Parents should use skin care products that are soft, close to the pH of the skin, and have no scent or preservatives. Parents should not use multiple marks for their child. Ideally, they should turn to baby care products manufactured and marketed by well-known pharmaceutical companies.


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