What should Zelda do next with Nintendo Remake?


With the remake of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is now available worldwide and on Switches, it has led us to think: what other game Zelda deserves a remake (or, at least, a remaster)?

From the original Zelda legend to the darkest 2D side shows, here are our choices for Link's adventures that should be next on the Nintendo (re) do's to-do list.

THE legend of Zelda

Of course, we have the original Zelda adventure on NES Classic and Switch Online. It's easily accessible, 35 years later (it tears!). And yes, some people might find a remake of this blasphemous classic.

But I'm ready to give Nintendo a shot here. After all, Link's Awakening is gorgeous, while being incredibly respectful of Game Boy's sources. Let's see how Nintendo offers a new artistic style to visually refresh the Zelda that triggered everything. I would be excited to see what talented Nintendo artists are offering.

Ryan McCaffrey, Editor-in-Chief

The legend of Zelda II: Link's adventure

Zelda II was way too hard for my little kid, but by playing again on the bonus disc of Collector's Edition provided with Wind Waker, I really fell in love with the added role-playing elements. A sucker for a good grind, I liked losing weight each enemy that I came across in the hope of getting that sweet, sweet "P-Bag"! Adventure of Link is perfectly prepared for a re-make from scratch, since Breath of the Wild has already made enormous progress by adding more modern RPG elements to the Zelda formula. I would love to see this story of sleeping OG princesses, giant Thunderbirds and Ganon blood-soaked ash in the screenplay "The Last Hero" is told in a more Gothic, typical Castlevania style. This would suit me even sometimes with a 2D perspective since Neir Automata showed how much this could be done in a transparent way. Hopefully this will become reality before 2030. In the meantime, I will take a reference "I am a mistake" in the wake of BotW.

Daniel Ervin, Producer of branded content and development

All the art styles that Zelda games have known

Give me a legend of Zelda, a world both very hard and open, containing notes of Dark Souls in the same way as the original notes of Dark Souls in The Legend of Zelda. Brilliant.

Zach Ryan, Director of Social Content

Zelda II pulls out of the game by trying to create a very different experience from the original, but it's also frustrating and sometimes unnecessarily difficult. A remake could give us a really fun version of the game to play.

Jesse Schedeen, Editor

Wind Waker HD

The legend of Zelda: Wind Waker has already received HD processing on the Wii U. But since myself and seven other people, three of whom work for IGN, owned a Wii U, the world deserved to play one of the more serene adventures of Zelda.

Most of the work has already been done by Nintendo – it's in HD, they've solved the problem of speed of navigation and the artistic style still holds up. What I'm saying is … reissue Wind Waker HD on Switch. Please. I beg you.

Jonathan Dornbush, Editor-in-Chief

A link to the past

Link to the Past is already almost perfect in every way. Now that I have understood this statement, I would like to see the game reinvented in an artistic style different from that of Link's Awakening. Imagine if Link to the Past could be done in the anime / cartoon style of his concept art at the time?

It could also mean that, like the Link Awakening remake, Link to the Past could break free from its limits: it would limit the view from one area to another and would allow for exploration. more transparent of Hyrule and Dark World.

Brendan Graeber, Publisher

Oracle of the seasons and Oracle of the ages

The Oracles games were innovative at the time, as they were two separate but similar Zelda games, offering a complete standalone experience, while having a "secret" ending (read: you're fighting Ganon) that you'll unlock only if you complete both. This is exactly the type of mechanism that can be updated with modern bells and whistles for a similar engaging experience in the era of online gaming and social media. Plus, imagine an adorable reimagination of the artistic style in the same vein as what was done with Link's Awakening and tell me you're not sold.

Terri Schwartz, Editor-in-Chief of Entertainment

20 fascinating facts about the legend of Zelda

The Oracle games may have been designed by Capcom, but they are more than worthy of Zelda's name. Combine the puzzle-laden ages and the action seasons and you get a rich and complete Zelda experience that will keep the fans busy for a while. Better yet, now that you will not have to use codes to connect the two, Nintendo could go even further in the integration between these two wonderful games.

Colin Stevens, Social Coordinator

Twilight Princess

An incredibly fantastic Zelda game with some of the most imaginative weapons and an excellent narration. This game went really bad because most players have experienced it on the Wii U, which was the biggest mistake and tragedy of this game.

Gamecube has let this beauty shine and I hope that a remake of Switch will allow enemies to give it another chance. (Link is snowboarding on his WAY shield before Breath of the Wild in this game)

Amanda Flagg, Editorial Designer

The Minish cap

Zelda developed by Capcom for Game Boy Advance and criminally underestimated, the main mechanic of Minish Cap allowed Link to reduce his size to explore a secret world of tiny people resembling borrowers who lived in Hyrule. In addition to being an adorable and charming game, the retractable mechanic has opened the door to tons of puzzles and centerpieces. After all, when Link is only a few inches tall, an ordinary enemy like a ChuChu or Octorok can be a great boss fight. A remake of this game would be great, but a brand new game using the contraction mechanism would be even better. How do you overcome the massive and sprawling version of Hyrule in the Wild Breath? Show us a little world hidden in the margins.

Max Scoville, Balloon engineer and animator

Probably dismissed by many because it was a Zelda game developed by Capcom and out of the heel of Wind Waker, I can not think of any other Zelda game to consider for the next inevitable classic remake of Zelda. The unique mechanism of reducing to a tiny elf-sized link to solve complex puzzles, paired with the best music in the series, everyone's favorite talking hat, and a stunning dungeon design make The Minish Cap a puzzle without equal. The stunning graphics and fresh ideas in this lobby are worthy of a modern look.

Brian Malkiewicz, Senior Producer

Ocarina of Time

While its upgrade has been improved since its initial N64 release, it is time for Ocarina of Time to receive the Breath of the Wild treatment. I want an expanded map, an extended weapon system, more dungeons, and improved game mechanics to make this game the ultimate dream that it could have been if the technology had been present in the late 90's. like the remake of Resident Evil 2, rebuild this epic game from scratch and let it re-live again please and thank you.

Brandon Hunt, Branded social producer

… and Majora's mask

These two remasters worked very well under 3DS. Why not put them on the switch? I assure you that I did not buy these games for the umpteenth time for 3D. You will still have my Nintendo money.

– Daniel Ervin

Faces of Evil and Gamelon's Wand

These adventures of Philips CD-i Zelda have been torn apart for years because of their illegal animated cinematics, but what would happen if there was something really awesome we all missed? The actual gameplay of these two titles was somewhat similar to that of Zelda II, but with funds and enemies totally crazy. Imagine how cool it could be as a 2.5D game at Metroidvania! Update all dialogs and animations to at least the standard of Netflix animation, and you get a one-of-a-kind result.

Jeremy Azevedo, Senior Director of Video Games


I mean why not? They are all great.

Ginger Smith, Product manager

These are our choices for the game Zelda that we want to see redone by Nintendo – and you? Let us know your choice in the comments or on Twitter @IGN!


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