What the CDC’s new guidelines for schools mean for kids


What happens if schools reopen but do not follow these procedures? For example, what should parents do if schools do not require masks? Should vaccinated children over the age of 12 feel comfortable removing their masks in schools? And when will vaccines be available for young children?

CNN: With the more contagious Delta variant circulating, are these guidelines from the CDC sufficient to keep students, teachers, staff and their families safe?

Dr. LĂ©ana Wen: Yes. At this point, we have a lot of data that schools can be very safe from a Covid-19 transmission standpoint if mitigation measures are followed. The CDC has been very thoughtful in its guidance, which cites numerous scientific papers to explain its strategic approach.

The Delta variant leaves children vulnerable to Covid-19.  Here's how to protect your kids

Specifically, the CDC says masking on the inside is important for unvaccinated people. This is because the unvaccinated are still at high risk of contracting and transmitting coronavirus. Vaccination protects people very well, so according to the rest of the guidelines for people who have been vaccinated, the CDC says that people who have been vaccinated do not need to mask themselves inside. He recommends weekly testing for unvaccinated students and staff, which may be more common for people involved in certain high-risk extracurricular activities. And there are other mitigation measures as well, such as investing in improved ventilation using federal Covid relief funds and keeping students home when they have possible symptoms of Covid-19. . All of these measures taken together will significantly reduce the risk of transmission in schools.

CNN: But what about not being able to have a physical distance of 6 feet? The CDC says this is no longer necessary.

Magnifying glass: For many schools, it might not be possible to get all the kids back full time while keeping a distance of 6 feet. This is why the CDC says to try to keep a distance of 3 feet and use other mitigation measures to make up the difference if necessary.

This is where the layered mitigation strategy is so important. Think of it like wearing layers. If it’s not very cold outside, one or two layers of protection are sufficient. If it is very cold, you need several layers. If you delete a layer, you can replace it with another different type of layer, and it still does the job.

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Physical distancing is a powerful layer of protection. If it is no longer there, you can replace it with other layers. In this case, even if there is no distancing but there is vaccination, masking and regular testing, it would protect against the transmission of the coronavirus. The aim is to reduce community rates of Covid-19 as much as possible. In low transmission areas, you don’t need to use all those layers anymore, just like you wouldn’t need to wear a lot of layers of clothing once the weather warms up.

CNN: When can children stop wearing masks in schools?

Magnifying glass: Again, I would think of this using the weather and layers analogy. If the vaccination rate in a community is very high and the level of coronavirus is very low, it is conceivable that indoor masking no longer needs to be imposed. However, we’re not there yet as a country, and that’s why the CDC says masks are mandatory indoors for people who are not vaccinated.

CNN: What does the latest data tell us about infection rates in children and the severity of their symptoms?

Magnifying glass: During the pandemic, more than 4 million children were diagnosed with Covid-19. As more adults are now vaccinated, children represent a greater proportion of those infected; as of July 8, children accounted for more than 1 in 5 of new infections.

The Delta variant is the most contagious variant we’ve seen, which may mean that unvaccinated children are more likely to transmit and become infected with this variant than before. It is not clear that children are getting sicker – and we have to keep in mind that in general, children infected with Covid-19 tend to get much less seriously ill than adults. However, children can have long-term consequences from Covid-19 that last for months or even years.

CNN: There are at least five states that don’t allow schools to implement mask mandates. What should parents do if their schools do not require masks?

Magnifying glass: It’s delicate. I would check with school administrators first to see how many children and staff are still likely to wear masks. If almost everyone is wearing a mask anyway, even if it isn’t mandatory, that would be nice.

On the other hand, if few others will be wearing masks, you should ask yourself if your child could still do so. If they can, it will always protect them, but it is possible that the peer pressure is such that they do not keep their mask on. In this case, you should ask yourself what other mitigation measures are in place. If there is – say, schools have improved ventilation, and they also implement testing once or ideally twice a week for unvaccinated students and teachers – I would feel better (in that sense, tests replace mask).

CNN: What is the risk for children under 12 if teachers are not vaccinated and do not mask themselves?

Magnifying glass: They aren’t supposed to, but I think this question addresses the issue that the CDC doesn’t offer any guidance on how to check vaccination status. For many schools, this will likely be an honor code, and if teachers aren’t wearing masks, there’s no way of knowing if it’s because they’re vaccinated and following advice, or s ‘they are not vaccinated and defy advice.

Whenever attenuation layers are removed, they must be replaced with other layers. If there are unvaccinated and unmasked teachers, this adds a risk. The risk can be reduced if this teacher is tested regularly and keeps a safe distance from students, but ideally this does not happen in the first place.

CNN: What if vaccinated teachers contract breakthrough infections? Can they pose a risk to unvaccinated children?

Magnifying glass: I’m actually a lot less concerned about this. Vaccination protects very well against Covid-19 infection – and its spread. It’s still theoretically possible for a vaccinated person to be sick and shed enough virus to infect others, but my concern is much more with unvaccinated people passing the coronavirus to each other.

CNN: What about kids in middle and high school, where some kids are vaccinated and some aren’t? If my child is vaccinated, can he remove his mask at school or during extracurricular activities?

Magnifying glass: You must follow the regulations and standards of your school. Some schools may still require masks because they do not require proof of vaccination. Others may have vaccination rates so high that every child in a classroom is vaccinated; in this case, it is quite safe for your vaccinated child to go without a mask. If your child is not vaccinated, however, they should wear a mask in indoor spaces.

What vaccinated people need to know about Covid-19 exposure, testing and more

I would definitely make sure you watched what your child does after school. It would be a shame to follow strict Covid-19 protocols during school, only to engage in high-risk activities outside of the classroom that add unnecessary risk to your child and family. The rule of thumb is that if your vaccinated child is surrounded by other vaccinated children, the risk is extremely low and they can engage with each other without masks, distancing, or other coronavirus restrictions. The risk becomes a little higher each time there are unvaccinated people in the group. And if your child isn’t vaccinated, they really shouldn’t be inside with other unvaccinated people without a mask.

CNN: Can children under 12 be vaccinated before the school year?

Magnifying glass: It’s unlikely. Even if a vaccine was authorized now for young children, it would take several weeks to complete the two-dose inoculations and wait two weeks after that to be considered fully vaccinated.

It is estimated that vaccines for young children may be available later this fall, with elementary-age children likely becoming eligible first, followed by toddlers and babies. For now, before a vaccine is available, unvaccinated young children must wear masks when in crowded indoor environments around other members of their peer groups.

The purpose of the CDC guidelines is to emphasize that it is really crucial that our children be back for school in person. Our children have lost so much during the pandemic. It is our duty to do our part and implement the necessary infection control protocols so that they can safely resume learning in the fall.


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