What the Giants’ controversial shot says about Joe Judge


The cuties are, well, nice, but nothing that has happened with the Giants in recent years is in any way pleasant. And you know what they say about where the good guys end up.

“Nice” is not the first characterization that most will put on Joe Judge. Not that he’s an ogre or a fool. Not that he’s not necessarily nice. It’s just not the overall aura it gives off.

Organized. Intense. Demanding. Led. Confident. Make your choice. The judge will raise his hand at the mention of one of these traits attributed to him.

He wasn’t hired to be nice. He was hired to keep the Holy One from losing and put the Giants back on the winning track. The judge sees a way to get there, knows there will be detours along the way, but will not accept many course corrections. Firing offensive line coach Marc Colombo doesn’t make the judge tough or bad. That makes Joe Judge his own guy, and in some ways, it’s a harbinger.

“I made it clear from day one, I will always make every decision what I consider best for the team,” Judge said Monday in his opening comments on the Colombo dismissal. “This decision was no different. There has been a lot of information out there, a lot of misinformation, and a lot of people have done a lot of digging trying to find out the details of the situation. I will not repeat any of this. I’m just saying we wish Marc the best of luck for the future and that the decision was in the best interests of the New York Giants, both short and long term. ”

The Giants are 3-7 and in an NFC race Is Weird. The 38-year-old judge isn’t kidding and isn’t for everyone. Some players won’t want to be a part of this climb. Some assistants too. The entire operation is on high alert, and there are those who prefer to relax a bit on the DEFCON. The judge is less an acquired taste than an accepted taste.

Joe judge
Joe judgeNew York Post: Charles Wenzelberg

“His coaching style is good for players who want to win, play hard and train hard,” said defensive lineman Leonard Williams, who during his six-year NFL career with the Jets and the Giants, plays for his fourth head coach. “Guys who are willing to join a program are going to be successful in a system like this. But there are obviously some guys who are a little harder to train and a little harder to get to join a system that might be a little harder to align.

“When you’re on that team you kind of get a sense of the atmosphere of everyone joining in, so even the guys who are a little harder to coach, once they see the rest of their teammates join in, they will eventually happen. , as well.

“I think it’s a helmet type team that wants to grind. I wouldn’t say it’s too strict or too demanding. ”

The imposing offensive line coach who cursed the boss one day and the security chief asked him to go see human resources the next day was an unpleasant deterioration in a working relationship. This is not a good look, for anyone involved.

“I don’t care what kind of job you have, if someone gets laid off it’s going to be a shock to anyone in the workplace,” Williams said.

Colombo will not be the last victim as Judge shapes the program in the image he asks to be shaped. That doesn’t mean the ax is always swinging. The judge has a leash, but it is short and you dare not pull on it.

The boss’s determination was that the offensive line needed help and he stepped in. Colombo had a right to be concerned but overreacted to the scrutiny and news that the judge was hiring Dave DeGuglielmo as a consultant.

Tom Coughlin ahead of the 2006 season finale removed offensive coordinator John Hufnagel’s call of play, handing the duties over to quarterbacks coach Kevin Gilbride. It happens. Feelings are hurt, egos are stung. It shouldn’t lead to a horrible shot, but sometimes it does.

“The most important thing for everyone to understand is to continue to follow the direction of the head coach and believe that a plan is in place,” said Judge.

Here it is. Just keep following the direction of the head coach. Those who do, stay. Those who don’t, go.


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