What's replacing the talk show Steve Harvey?


Friday, many shows were organized on the main networks. That said, an addition to this list would not have been a surprise to many in the industry. The restructured emission of Steve Harvey, Steve, has been canceled by NBC Universal and will soon burn new episodes this summer while preparing the arrival of his replacement.

Who will it be? No one other than old American idol star and The voice coach Kelly Clarkson. The new talk show of the pop star with NBC Universal is expected to premiere in the fall, in a more favorable light with the network than Steve Harvey after a controversial production battle behind the scenes.

The cancellation of Steve The rumor ran several months ago when the host announced that he would probably not come back to talk during the day at the first Clarkson performance. Harvey gave the impression that his show could search for a new home, but nothing has been confirmed since the cancellation was announced.

Harvey's talk show was created in 2012 as a Steve Harvey's show under the aegis of Endemol Shine North America and NBC Universal, immediately gained ground and allowed the series to rank among the top five series of daytime discussions with Dr. Phil and Ellen. But in 2017, Harvey and the show underwent a redesign with IMG Original Content.

This moved the show from Chicago to Los Angeles, changed the name to Steve, and took a lot of control of NBC Universal. Once Kelly Clarkson's show as NBC Universal production, time was running out Steve at NBC.

NBC had planned a "high-profile" replacement for Harvey's show since moving to Los Angeles. This should shock many people that the show ends up on the chopping block alongside Friday's other selections.

The premiere of the Clarkson broadcast is scheduled for Sept. 9 and the network was filled with praise when the announcement was first announced in the fall.

"We are very excited to have Kelly Clarkson on air next fall," said Valari Staab, president of NBC Universal-owned television channels. "She is authentic, warm, fun and interacts significantly with her fans. Throughout his career, people of all ages and backgrounds have shown his openness, honesty and curiosity. She will be Ellen's perfect companion and provide a great TV afternoon. "

A trailer of the series was released in January before being promptly removed by NBC. But this allowed viewers to see what Clarkson would bring to the game of the day, including focusing on highlighting several causes that she considers important.

"One of the reasons I was so excited to participate in this show, is that I would have the opportunity to shed some light on some organizations, some people who are constantly neglected, "she told her audience in a clip.


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