WhatsApp was hacked, your computer was exposed and more news


Hackers have penetrated just about everything, and Amazon pays the employees to stop. Here's the news you need to know, in two minutes or less.

Titles of the day

A phone call broke Whatsapp

The WhatsApp messaging platform is well known for its end-to-end encryption, but recent news challenges its security. The NSO group, an Israeli spy company, injected malware into targeted phones to steal data simply by making a call. Targets did not even need to be detected and often the call log did not contain any trace. It seems that the group has targeted only a few top-level activists – so you're probably safe – but you should download the latest update, just in case.

Hackers can siphon data from your Intel chip

Intel – the company that makes chips for virtually every computer on the planet – has revealed a security vulnerability that endangers millions of PCs. This vulnerability allows attackers to listen to virtually every bit of raw data that a victim's processor touches. Not much.

Amazon gives employees money to quit

As the demands for delivery continue to grow for the large and powerful Amazon, the company created in June the Delivery Service Partner Program, which allows entrepreneurs to set up their own Amazon delivery companies. Now, Amazon announces that it will begin offering employees up to $ 10,000 in start-up costs to leave their current positions in the company and join the program.

Cocktail conversation

The Alabama Senate is engaged in a heated debate over anti-abortion "heartbeat" laws that claim that once a baby has a heartbeat, that is a criminal offense of abortion. But if the political objectives of bills like this one are clear, science is much less so.

WIRED recommends: OnePlus 7 Pro

If you're looking for the best screen on any Android phone – no clutter, holster, or fantastic camera – the OnePlus 7 Pro is for you. It does not have a wireless charge, waterproofing or headphone jack, but also costs $ 700, a few hundred less than the $ 1,000 price we are used to looking for high-end phones.

More news you can use

Take a look at our June cover story, Why I love (always) Tech: defending a tough industry

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