When to quarantine for Thanksgiving


This is two weeks of work even less than what we are doing now, and it must start today.

CNN spoke with CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen, an emergency physician and visiting professor at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University, to find out what it entails. Here are his tips.

Dr. Leana Wen: The United States is suffering from the worst part of the pandemic that we have seen. We added 1 million new infections in just 10 days. Hospitals in several states are already turning away patients because their emergency rooms and intensive care units are too full.

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Remember that the people we love can carry the virus just as much as strangers. When the virus level in the community is so high, it is not safe to meet in person, indoors, with someone who is not in your immediate home bubble.

If you want to reunite with other households for a Thanksgiving indoors, you must quarantine yourself for 14 days and then get tested.

CNN: Why does the quarantine last 14 days?

Magnifying glass: Fourteen days is the maximum incubation period for the virus that causes Covid-19. If you quarantine for less than 14 days, you could be infected and not know it. I’m sure none of us would want to inadvertently spread Covid-19 to those we love the most. Taking a test too early – before a 14-day quarantine – may fail to detect the infection.

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CNN: What can we do during our quarantine?

Magnifying glass: In this case, quarantine is all about staying away from others and minimizing your risk as much as you can. It doesn’t mean staying locked in your house. Getting fresh air is good and important for your physical and mental health. So it’s good to go for a walk and exercise outside. Do your best to stay away from others and keep a distance of at least 6 feet outside.

We know Thanksgiving can involve a lot of cooking and therefore grocery shopping. Going to the grocery store can also be low risk, although you should try going during off-peak hours and trying to go only once during your 14-day period. You can also try ordering groceries or the whole meal to be delivered to your home.

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CNN: What shouldn’t we be doing?

Magnifying glass: Here is what is high risk and what should be avoided during this time. Do not go to indoor bars or restaurants. Avoid gyms. Most importantly: don’t get together with anyone outside of your home for anything inside – no dinner, no birthday party, or any other meeting inside. If you are socializing outside, make sure you stay 6 feet away from others at all times.

If you are getting together with other households for the holidays, you should discuss other activities that are suitable for you. Many doctor’s offices have precautions in place and it is probably safe to see a doctor. Many workplaces have many protocols in place to reduce risk, and going to work can even be very low risk if you can stand at least 10 feet away from others and wear masks altogether. time.

CNN: Should everyone quarantine?

Magnifying glass: Yes. The key is that every member of every household who wants to reunite must participate in the quarantine for 14 days. If a person breaks quarantine, they are putting everyone at risk. It takes a lot of confidence, so set that expectation in advance.

CNN: What about daycares and schools?

Magnifying glass: This is a difficult question. Day care centers and schools may be necessary for many families when it comes to child care for working parents. They may present a relatively lower risk of transmission, especially to young children. However, there is a risk of infection, especially given the high level of coronavirus across the country. I would not consider a family that still sends children to daycare or school to be low enough risk to be part of an indoor celebration. But if kids stop daycare or school every now and then and get tested in 14 days, they might see other parents inside.

CNN: Can we still see each other if we don’t quarantine ourselves for 14 days?

Magnifying glass: Yes, but you can only see them outdoors, with households spaced at least six feet apart. You can still safely host and have fun! But do not meet inside.

CNN: Are there other ways to celebrate if we can’t reunite with our family?

Magnifying glass: Yes! Being safe doesn’t mean we have to stay isolated. Maybe we can’t get together with the family in person. You can plan an outdoor “Friendsgiving”. Bundle up and bring warm blankets. Be flexible if it turns out that we can’t celebrate Thanksgiving on this day due to the weather.

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CNN: What if we had to travel to see the family for Thanksgiving?

Magnifying glass: I’m less concerned with the trip itself than with the pre-trip activities. The 14 day quarantine period must take place prior to travel. Then do everything you can to minimize the risks when traveling.

CNN: Is it better to drive than to fly?

Magnifying glass: Driving will be safer than flying because you can control who is in your car. Keep rest stops to a minimum. Be sure to wear a mask if using a public restroom and sanitize your hands after you leave. Even flying has a relatively low risk, with only a handful of infections reported for flights where everyone is wearing masks. Make sure you wear a mask throughout the flight, ideally an N95 or at least a 3-ply surgical mask.

Still, I urge everyone to cut back on non-essential travel. Even though the trip itself is low risk, I am concerned for people coming from all over the country as almost every part is a coronavirus hotspot at this point.

CNN: What about the students who come home for the holidays?

Magnifying glass: Many colleges have had epidemics. Young people tend to be asymptomatic spreaders, and returning students should be treated as very high risk.

It is probably not practical for students to self-quarantine for 14 days before returning home. In this case, they must self-quarantine when they return home. This means staying in an area of ​​the house that is completely separate from all other people. They should not be in indoor areas with other people for 14 days. They can only socialize outdoors during this time.

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CNN: It’s a lot. Is it really necessary?

Magnifying glass: Yes. I know it’s a lot. But we have to get through this winter. There is hope on the horizon, with a vaccine and treatment likely next year. We have to get to this point. This means that we must adhere to all of these precautions. Wear masks. Physical distance. Wash our hands. Avoid gatherings indoors.

We have already endured so many sacrifices. We can get through this winter, together.


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