When trying to lose weight? Do these 3 things first


Weight loss is a tedious process. While everyone is trying to achieve it, others are struggling to find the motivation to start. In addition, the bombardment of information related to rapid weight loss on the Internet. The weight loss industry has, one way or another, made people believe that giving up a group of foods or taking an excess of another is good for health as it indicates a quick difference in terms of number on the scale. This makes people ignorant about many things. Making the right decision and losing weight in a healthy and healthy way is not a child's game.

In this article, we will talk about some important things to know if you are trying to lose weight:

1. Make sure to include protein in your diet

Protein is a macronutrient, a constituent of the human body that you absolutely need if you are trying to lose weight. This is related to the fact that you consume it in the right way. Protein-rich foods lead to weight loss by keeping you full longer and reducing your appetite. Proteins have the added benefit of improving muscle mass. But that does not mean you should go too far with its consumption. The right way to eat protein to lose weight is to eat it with other nutrients in each meal. Every meal of the day should include high protein foods if you are trying to lose weight.

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2. Your body is different from others

Blindly following miracle diets is another common trend among people trying to lose weight. You must understand that your body is different from others. A particular diet may not show you the same results as it did the other. Likewise, the speed with which you lose weight and your efficiency also depend on your body type. Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph are three types of bodies. The diet and diet of each of these body types will be different. Before losing weight, find out about your body type and consult an expert to find out which diet and workout regimen is best for you.


Each body type is different and you should follow a diet and a workout regime that suit you as an individual.
Photo credit: iStock

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3. Get your calories from good food sources

Eating a calorie-restricted diet or starving yourself to lose weight will certainly not work for you. You will end up feeling tired, irritated and have very little energy. It is important to understand and accept the fact that weight loss is a progressive process that will eventually occur over a period of time. It is not an overnight task and you must eat good and healthy foods to be active, perform well at work and to be physically and mentally fit for daily tasks. For that, you must eat calories (but only the good ones) if you want to lose weight. Give up foods that provide no nutrition and have empty calories like white sugar, junk food and processed foods. Keep everything that comes in a package (even if they say zero trans fat, zero calories, no sugar, etc.) from the table. Give up alcohol consumption and stop smoking. Go to home cooking, natural and seasonal. The practice of portion control and weight loss will definitely be achieved without any negative impact on your health.

Also read: #MondayMotivation: 5 post-workout tips that will help you lose weight fast

Disclaimer: This content, including tips, provides generic information only. This is by no means a substitute for qualified medical advice. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim any responsibility for this information.


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