Where are the GOP Senators Opposing Electoral College Votes


Washington – The joint session of Congress scheduled for Wednesday for the counting and certification of electoral college votes set to be marked by high drama, Republicans in the House and Senate have pledged to challenge the results of several battlefield states.

A group of at least 12 Republican senators said they, along with more than 100 GOP House members, would oppose electoral votes cast in key states, accusing their elections to be full of fraud despite lack of evidence generalized. But as the joint session approaches, a growing number of Republican senators are breaking with their colleagues and planning not to take up their challenges.

Required under the Constitution, the event has in the past been superficial – in 2017 the process of reading and counting the electoral votes lasted 41 minutes, and in 2013 the joint session lasted only 23 minutes, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service. .

While the objections will not change the outcome of the election, it will prolong the process by which Congress asserts the victory of President-elect Joe Biden. When the House and Senate split up to debate and vote on an objection, they have up to two hours to consider it, which means the joint session is likely to stretch into the night.

The joint session is usually a formality, but this year’s event will force Republicans to decide whether to support President Trump in his attempts to reverse the election result or maintain the votes cast by millions of Americans.

Here is where the Republican senators stand, starting Monday morning:

Oppose the counting of electoral votes

  1. Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee
  2. Mike Braun from Indiana
  3. Ted Cruz from Texas
  4. Steve Daines from Montana
  5. Bill Hagerty from Tennessee
  6. Josh Hawley from Missouri
  7. Ron Johnson from Wisconsin
  8. John Kennedy of Louisiana
  9. James Lankford from Oklahoma
  10. Cynthia Lummis from Wyoming
  11. Roger Marshall from Kansas
  12. Tommy Tuberville from Alabama

Support the counting of electoral votes

  1. Roy Blunt from Missouri
  2. Richard Burr from North Carolina
  3. Shelley Moore Capito from West Virginia
  4. Bill Cassidy from Louisiana
  5. Kevin Cramer from North Dakota
  6. Susan Collins from Maine
  7. John Cornyn from Texas
  8. Tom Cotton from Arkansas
  9. Lisa Murkowski from Alaska
  10. Mitt Romney from Utah
  11. Ben Sasse from Nebraska
  12. Richard Shelby from Alabama
  13. John Thune from South Dakota
  14. Pat Toomey from Pennsylvania
  15. Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Unknown / uncertain

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – Previously discouraged Republican members from opposing, and last week called the upcoming vote “the most consistent vote” he will cast.

  1. John Barrasso of Wyoming
  2. John Boozman from Arkansas
  3. Mike Crapo from Idaho
  4. Joni Ernst from Iowa
  5. Deb Fischer from Nebraska
  6. Lindsey Graham from South Carolina
  7. Chuck Grassley from Iowa
  8. John Hoeven from North Dakota
  9. Cindy Hyde-Smith from Mississippi
  10. Jim Inhofe from Oklahoma
  11. Mike Lee from Utah
  12. Kelly Loeffler from Georgia
  13. Jerry Moran from Kansas
  14. Rand Paul from Kentucky
  15. Rob Portman from Ohio
  16. Jim Risch from Idaho
  17. Mike Rounds from South Dakota
  18. Marco Rubio from Florida
  19. Rick Scott from Florida
  20. Tim Scott from South Carolina
  21. And Sullivan from Alaska
  22. Thom Tillis from North Carolina
  23. Todd Young from Indiana


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