Which animal has the biggest ears?


Which animal has the biggest ears? You might think this is the the elephant, and you would be right – sort of. As the largest living land animal, the African elephant has the largest ears of any living animal, according to Mary Ellen Holden, zoologist and mammalogist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. But the creature with the largest ears for its body size is the long-eared jerkin (Nose of Euchoreutes), an insectivorous nocturnal rodent that lives in the deserts of China and Mongolia.

The long-eared jerkin (rhymes with Samoa) measures about 10 centimeters from head to rump (not counting its long tail). Its ears, 1.5 to 2 inches (3.8 to 5 cm) long, measure 40% to 50% of its body length.


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