White House fights against Dems assignment of former White House lawyer Don McGahn


The White House will oppose the summoning of testimony and documents from former White House lawyer Don McGahn, told Fox News – and almost immediately, the president of the White House House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler, DN.Y, described the move as an "obstruction" by the Trump administration.

The brewing battle over the subpoena in the McGahn case was about to set up a series of controversial legal wrangling as Democrats sought to publicly question other Trump former and former advisers which figured prominently in the report of special advocate Robert Mueller on the investigation conducted in Russia.

Fox News also learned that the White House intended to vigorously oppose subpoenas likely to run counter to the privilege of the executive, a power sanctioned by the Supreme Court that allows the president and to members of the executive to protect certain internal communications from disclosure, in the absence of compelling power. justification.

Neither the "privilege of presidential communication", which protects the discussions of the president and his collaborators, nor the "privilege of the process of deliberation", which protects even the lower level discussions concerning political discussions, have not been invoked. by the White House to draft parts of Mueller's report.


However, as Democrats open their investigations after the release of the report, Trump and his team have begun to postpone the maneuvers of a probe campaign they call naked supporters.

Don McGahn, a White House lawyer, is looking at President Donald Trump to speak at a cabinet meeting in the White House Cabinet Room on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 in Washington. (AP Photo / Evan Vucci)

Don McGahn, a White House lawyer, is looking at President Donald Trump to speak at a cabinet meeting in the White House Cabinet Room on Wednesday, October 17, 2018 in Washington. (AP Photo / Evan Vucci)

The White House won an early victory in this effort on Tuesday after Democrats in the House agreed to postpone the deadline for Trump's financial statements following the trial. brought by Trump against the summons.

Nadler on Monday assigned McGahn to testify publicly next month. The renowned Democrat described McGahn, who had resigned as a White House lawyer in October 2018, as "a crucial witness to many alleged cases of obstruction of justice and others. wrongdoing described in the report of the special advocate ".

Democrats said the talks between McGahn and Mueller's team had effectively waived any claim of executive privilege.

In a statement on Tuesday night, responding to reports that the White House was reacting, Nader called the subpoena "valid" and said it would not back down.

"We asked him to provide documents to the Committee by May 7 and to testify here on May 21," said Nadler.Our application addresses the topics described by Mr. McGahn to the special advocate and described by the 39, special advocate Mueller to the US Public in his report.As such, the moment for the White House to assert a privilege of preventing this testimony from being heard has long passed. "

Nadler added, "I assume that President Trump and his lawyers know that this is true in law – and that tonight's reports, though they are accurate, represent another act of obstruction of the part of an administration that is desperately trying to prevent the public from talking about the conduct of the president.The committee's summons is adjourned.I look forward to hearing Mr. McGahn's testimony. "


In "Fox News Sunday," host Chris Wallace interviewed Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, on a section of the Mueller report explaining how Trump allegedly told McGahn to tell him about the news. Acting General Counsel that Mueller should be fired in June 2017 – a request that McGahn would have ignored. Trump strongly suggested that this statement was "bulls —."

"If he had fired, there would not have been any obstruction," Giuliani began. "So, as long as he was replaced by someone, what would he have been, and there were good reasons, questionable reasons."

Giuliani emphasized that the stories of McGahn's story had changed several times and that Trump was simply asking that Mueller's alleged conflicts of interest be "taken into account".

Mueller's report contained alleged conversations between Trump and McGahn that raised eyebrows on Capitol Hill.

"Why do you take notes?" The lawyers do not take notes, "I never had a lawyer taking notes," said Trump, according to Mueller's report. The special attorney stated that Mr. McGahn had replied "that he was keeping notes" because he is a "real advocate" and explained that the notes create a record and are not a bad thing. "


These notes seem to have angered Trump, but also allowed Mueller to conclude that McGahn was a credible witness "without reason to lie or exaggerate given the position he held at the White House" .

Last week, Trump unveiled a series of writings regarding claims that his associates would have provided Mueller with damaging information.

"Some people make statements about me in the Crazy Mueller report, written by 18 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, which are made completely wrong," Trump told Twitter. "Pay attention to people who take so-called" notes "when the notes never existed until needed."

John Dowd, who served on President Trump's legal team from June 2017 to March 2018, told Trump about "Fox & Friends" on Monday.

Asked about when Trump said to fire Mueller, Dowd said, "He never did it. I was there at the time the report indicates that McGahn talked about it, and I was instructed to deal with Mueller and inform the president every day. (…) At no time did the President ever say, "You know, John, I'm going to get rid of him." It was the opposite. "

Dowd continued, "This is the message the president had for Bob Mueller, he told me to wear – number one, you tell him I respect what he's doing; number two, you tell him that he has all my cooperation; Third, do it as quickly as possible. and number four, whatever else you need, let me know. It was always the message and that is exactly what we did. "

Samuel Chamberlain and Mike Emanuel of Fox News contributed to this report.


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