Whitmire: Mo Brooks didn’t cry fire. He helped set it up.


This is an opinion column.

It’s not time for Mo Brooks to go. He should never have been there in the first place.

Alabama’s loudest congressman shouldn’t have led the unnecessary challenge to the Electoral College vote.

He shouldn’t have embarrassed Alabama for years with silly statements, like when he spoke on talk radio about a “war on whites”, or when he tweeted a picture of horse dung, or when he he said the sea level rise was due to rocks falling into the water.

He should not have attended that demonstration Wednesday morning, fueling an insurgency that dishonored America before the world.

He shouldn’t have been in the House chamber, where he raged over immigrants, his favorite scapegoat, making a rambling and absurd argument to end American democracy.

Brooks should never have been a congressman.

All the signs were there that Brooks was a dangerous nutcase. But this week was different. This time he put our nation in danger. He helped embarrass America in front of the whole world.

Rep. Mo Brooks has shamed Alabama. He is a handicap for his district and a danger for our country.

Mo Brooks has to go. It is high time. He should resign. And if he doesn’t, Congress should remove him from office. He should hide his face forever. He would have to crawl into the bunker he prepared for any race war imagined by his feverish brain. And never go out. The devil he negotiated with can bring him back to hell.

All the major newspapers have said that Donald Trump instigated a riot in our nation’s capital, and they are generally right. But there are complaints, and much of it belongs to Brooks.

It was Brooks who took up the cause of overturning a legal election.

It was Brooks who stood before this mean crowd and said that.

“Today is the day that American patriots start taking names and kicking each other,” he shouted to the cheers of the crowd.

And it was Brooks who, five hours after throwing that stone, tried to hide his hand, accusing the siege of our nation’s capital of leftists who seem to exist only in his imagination.

“Rumor: ANTIFA fascists wearing MAGA hats backwards. Time will tell what the truth is, ”he tweeted.

When the barbarians he agitated entered the capital, Brooks made jokes as House and Senate staff members hid in fear for their lives.

“At least #Socialist # Democrats Did NOT dismantle the Capitol Police, ”he tweeted during the siege. “Evacuation chamber.”

It wasn’t a laughing matter, but this man is a clown. And this man is a coward. At least some of the loons that attacked the capital today were credited with what they did.

Like so many Republicans who have followed Trump to this cliff, Brooks has tried to hide behind a policing canvas.

“As a strong supporter of the rule of law, I hope EVERYBODY who has unlawfully violated the Capitol will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” Brooks tweeted when it seemed like the right thing to say.

If he really believed it, he would have to surrender. He won’t.

On Thursday morning, Brooks was back on full throttle, sharing cockamamie conspiracy theories on Twitter, accusing the media of rushing to judge and trying to convince the world that what everyone had seen on live TV wasn’t was not true.

“All may not be (and probably is not) what appears,” he tweeted. “It is increasingly evident that the fascist ANTIFA orchestrated the attack on the Capitol with clever crowd control tactics.”

If anyone knows how to handle a crowd, it would be Brooks. Not only did he push the insurgents out, but he led all Congressional Republicans in Alabama except Richard Shelby to vote against democracy.

They should have known better.

Brooks cares no more about the truth than the consequences. He didn’t scream fire in a crowded theater. He set the theater on fire, then blamed the firefighters when fire inspectors arrived.

This insurgency did not start on the steps of the Capitol, or even on the Washington Mall.

It started inside, where Brooks had been all the time.

Where he never should have been.

Kyle Whitmire is the State Political Columnist for the Alabama Media Group.

You can follow his work on his Facebook page, The war against the idiot. And on Twitter. And on Instagram.

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