WHO calls for a moratorium on booster injections until at least the end of September


“The WHO calls for a moratorium on recalls until at least the end of September to allow at least 10% of the population of each country to be vaccinated. To achieve this, we need the cooperation of everyone, especially the handful of countries and companies that control the global vaccine supply, ”he said.

“Even though hundreds of millions of people are still waiting for their first dose, some rich countries are moving towards booster doses,” Tedros added. “So far, more than 4 billion doses of vaccine have been administered worldwide. Over 80% have gone to high and upper middle income countries, even though they represent less than half of the world’s population. . ”

While Tedros said he understood the concern of all governments to protect their people from the Delta variant, “we cannot and must not accept countries that have already used up most of the global vaccine supply. using even more while the world’s most vulnerable people remain unprotected. ”

In May, Tedros called for global support to enable countries to immunize at least 10% of their population by September. He said that while the target date is more than halfway there, the world is not on track.

When his challenge was launched, high-income countries had administered around 50 doses per 100 people, Tedros said.

Since then, the number has doubled, with high-income countries now administering almost 100 doses per 100 people, while low-income countries have been able to administer 1.5 doses per 100 people due to lack of supply.

“We need an urgent return from the majority of vaccines destined for high-income countries to the majority destined for low-income countries,” Tedros said.

Tedros called on G20 leaders to make concrete commitments to support WHO’s global immunization goals, vaccine producers to prioritize COVAX and all influential people to support the call for a moratorium on recalls .


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