‘Whoa’ – Fox News cuts Kayleigh McEnany for ‘illegal votes’ speech | American News


Fox News cut a briefing hosted by White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany in which she reiterated Donald Trump’s refusal to accept defeat in the presidential election and doubled the number of allegations of electoral fraud, for which there is little evidence.

Speaking to the media on Monday night in a personal capacity at what she said was a campaign event at the Republican National Committee headquarters, McEnany said Republicans wanted “every legal vote to be counted, and every illegal vote to be counted. rejected, “prompting conservative Fox News network to stop broadcasting the briefing

From the studio, host Neil Cavuto said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa – I just think we need to be very clear. She accuses the other side of welcoming the fraud and welcoming the illegal vote. Unless she has more details to back it up, I can’t, in a good mood, continue to show it to you.

He added: “I want to make sure that maybe they have something to back this up, but it’s an explosive charge to go, which the other side is rigging and cheating effectively.” If she proves it, we will of course drive you back. So far, she has started saying from the start – “welcome fraud, welcome illegal voting.” Not so fast. “

The recount

Watch Fox News cut from Press Sec. McEnany: pic.twitter.com/SwW9cq9bJI

November 9, 2020

The decision to cut was Cavuto’s, The Washington Post reported, citing people familiar with the show.

Fox News, owned by Rupert Murdoch, has abandoned its loyalty to Trump over the past week, instead appearing in what appears to be a closely coordinated post to warn its readers that Trump has lost the election despite his claims to the contrary.

Fox was one of the first news agencies to call the state of Arizona for Joe Biden.

Some senior Republican lawmakers have continued to refuse to recognize Biden as the election winner. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Monday that Trump was fully within his right to review the alleged voting irregularities and, in a Senate speech, did not recognize Biden as president-elect.

Trump’s campaign filed a lawsuit in federal court alleging that Pennsylvania’s mail-in voting system lacked oversight and verification applied to in-person voting and sought an emergency injunction to prevent those responsible for the State to certify the victory of Biden in the State.

The Trump campaign and the Republicans have filed numerous lawsuits for election irregularities. Judges have already dismissed cases in Georgia and Michigan.


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