MDC is an ever-fatal disease that leaves the brain with holes. What is this condition always fatal and how do people fight against its spread?

Many hunters and wildlife experts have found the latest news about "zombie" deer disease bizarre because they claim that chronic wasting disease has been around for years – and they would not describe infected animals as "zombies" .

In fact, many infected deer do not even reach the final stage of the disease, where they exhibit symptoms (stumbling, drooling, extreme weight loss), said Lindsay Thomas Jr., Director of Quality Communications. Deer Management Association, a wildlife conservation organization.

He said it was "disconcerting" to think that a dying CWD deer was a scary "zombie". He compares disease with dementia, because infected animals seem more confused than threatening.

Although the term may give the general public a false impression on the CWD,
Krysten Schuler, wildlife ecologist and co-director of the Cornell Wildlife Health Laboratory, said the disease was "a big problem" and that she was glad more people were paying attention. People just need to be properly informed, she said.

CWD, which is fatal to all deer who contract it, was first identified in the 1960s and is now in 24 states of the country. It is a serious infectious disease in animals, but will probably not trigger the apocalypse.

Here's why:

Many seem totally normal.

Infected deer could easily die from another cause (killed by a predator or car) before presenting the symptoms of CWD such as drooling, apathy and low weight, Thomas said. Deer, elk and moose with this disease may look healthy up to two years, as neurological symptoms develop slowly, according to the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance. Symptoms usually occur only a few months before death.

"You can not look at the deer and say he has the MDC," Thomas said, noting that hunters had shot infected animals, believing to be in good health, to discover through tests that their deer was suffering from MDC.

Many deer with chronic debilitating disease may look totally healthy for more than a year. (Photo11: Nathan Bilow, AP)

They will probably not attack.

Deer with CWD will not eat your brain. They actually have holes in their brains that could cause them to be less coordinated and have trouble walking, said Thomas. Deer in the final phase of the MDC may also appear weak and underweight.

While hunters need to know if the disease is present in their area, there is no reason to fear "zombie" deer and avoid hunting, said Schuler. People who spot a sickly deer should first contact local wildlife officials so the deer can be tested, she said.

More: Deer disease & # 39; Zombie & # 39; is present in 24 states and thousands of infected deer are consumed each year, warns an expert

None has infected humans.

No case of MDC has ever been reported in humans. However, studies have shown that it can be transmitted to animals other than deer, moose and elk, according to the Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told USA TODAY that it was possible for humans to contract the disease in the future. It is therefore important to take precautions in infected areas. According to the Centers for Control and Prevention of Disease, the most likely way to infect humans is to eat contaminated deer meat. Here are some ways to avoid MDC.

More: CWD: What is it and could it affect humans?

More: Deer disease "zombie": how to prevent it and avoid eating infected meat

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