Why Joe Biden should embark on vaccination mandates


It sounds like a very smart bet – because poll after poll shows clear majorities in favor of the vaccine’s mandate.

* A Fox News poll released over the weekend showed nearly 6 in 10 Americans (58%) said they supported the federal government demanding that all federal workers be vaccinated. The same poll showed almost identical support (56%) for the government to require all companies with more than 100 employees to have their employees vaccinated (or tested every week).
* A CNN poll released last week showed that a majority of Americans support return-to-work immunization requirements (54%), children attending in-person classes (55%), and spectators and people attending sporting events (55%).
* And this from a Monmouth University poll released last week: “Most Americans support vaccination mandates for key groups mentioned in Biden’s announcement last week. This includes the requirement of Covid vaccines for healthcare workers (63%), federal employees (58%), and private contractors working for the federal government (55%).

The simple fact is, in a country deeply divided over, well, almost everything, vaccine mandates are clearly winning the majority, poll after poll.

Why? People want things to get back to normal – and the Delta variant has scared a lot of people straight into the dangers of not getting the shot.

Now what? Expect President Biden – and Democratic Congressional leaders – to pressure their messages on the vaccine mandate, knowing, without a doubt, that most of the public is behind them. This will put Republicans in a bind, because while their base is skeptical about the mandates, they too are seeing the polls on the issue among the general public.

Point: Biden’s presidency will be defined by how he is perceived to have responded to the coronavirus pandemic. And with his vaccine mandate, he’s on very solid ground.


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