Why Meghan Markle has to wait a year before having more children


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced in October that they were expecting their first child together and the world is awaiting the arrival of the royal baby while the Duchess of Sussex should give birth every day.

Although Markle has not yet had her first child, she has been warned that she will not have her first child until at least a year has passed. Here is why it is recommended to wait for Markle before having more children, plus how many children Prince Harry said he wanted.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex | Chris Jackson / Getty Images

Why is Markle advised to wait a year before having more children?

Some experts believe that Markle and her husband should wait more than a year before having more children, because the duchess is considered a geriatric mother.

Julie Jomeen, a midwifery professor at the University of Hull, told The Express that women over 35 should wait at least a year before getting pregnant again. She explained that this was explained by the fact that Markle women who conceived within six months of a previous delivery had a 1.2% higher maternal mortality risk than younger women.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Hannah McKay – Pool WPA / Getty Images

"The problem of course is that older mothers are more likely to plan for babies' proximity because they do not have the same luxury of time in terms of fertility as a woman still in her twenties," she said. explained Jomeen. "However, the general health of the mother is an important factor here at risk. In the end, it must be the woman's choice. What is important is that they be aware of the evidence on birth spacing and make their choice based on good evidence-based information. "

Markle's age also gives him a greater chance of having twins. According to WebMD, the chances that a woman will have twins increase with age. Studies have shown that this could come from hormonal changes because older women have higher levels of follicle stimulating hormone, which induces "a greater likelihood of having fraternal twins".

What Prince Harry said about having more children

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle | DOMINIC LIPINSKI / AFP / Getty Images

In March 2019, Harry and Markle attended the 50th anniversary of the Prince of Wales' inauguration at Buckingham Palace and discussed with a veteran of the Falklands War Army the possibility of having a life of their own. to have "two" children.

Daily Mail Royal Correspondent Rebecca English, Later tweeted about their conversation In writing, "Simon Weston talked to Harry today who joked about rugby Wales / Engl. "I warned him and the duchess has done well, because they will spend many sleepless nights when the baby is born. He said that if they had more than two, it would serve him well.

Looks like Harry may already be expecting Baby # 2. If that happens, we'll have to wait to see how long the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will have another child.

Read more: What Prince Harry does every day to stay calm before the arrival of the royal baby

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