Why Meghan Markle will stay in the US amid Prince Harry’s return to the UK


Prince Harry is expected to return to UK in summer 2021, royal sources say Daily mail, but it seems he will make the trip on his own. Sources say it is highly “unlikely” that the Duchess of Sussex and their son Archie will travel with him. However, firm plans have not been solidified due to ongoing travel restrictions.

The sixth in line is back in the UK to visit family for the first time after leaving the active royals as they celebrate some big occasions. The couple were due to attend Prince Phillip’s 100th birthday celebration and the Queen’s official 95th birthday celebration. There is also a planned unveiling of a commissioned statue in honor of the late Princess Diana, for which Prince Harry is also expected to be present alongside his brother Prince William. While the two sides were originally scheduled to make the trip together, insiders shared that Markle’s decision to stay in the United States was for “ personal and practical ” reasons. “Harry wants to come back for the Queen’s and Prince Philip’s big birthdays. But it seems likely it will be just him,” they said. “If Meghan returns, the feeling is that it would overshadow the occasion,” the source said. “People would only watch the ‘drama’ of it all. Sure, she would be welcome, but a decision not to come would delay this headache for a while at least.”

Those close to the situation have stressed that the couple’s plans are still tentative and could change at any time due to the coronavirus pandemic. “It should be strongly emphasized that there is still an element of uncertainty about this due to the unpredictable situation of Covid, but it is understood that the Duke is more than likely to return on his own. of a personal and practical decision by the couple, but it would certainly help officials navigate what is probably a pretty delicate situation, ”they said.

Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex moved to North America (first to Canada, then to California) in 2019 and have since established their businesses in the States. The duo signed several million dollar deals with Netflix and Spotify – further reinforcing their intention to stay in the United States, although, according to a source, there was no hard feelings between the two for their departure. “Her Majesty made it very clear when they left the UK that Harry and Meghan were still much loved members of his own family and would be welcome to attend family events. This is still true,” the source said. “Practically, however, it comes with the need for some degree of diplomacy. There is still a lot of distance between Harry and many family members, especially his brother. No one wants a repeat of the Commonwealth Service.


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