Why some animals get Covid and others don’t


Scientists have finally unraveled the mystery of how vulnerable some animals are to coronavirus infection while others are not.

They claim this is due to tiny differences in the molecular structure of their ACE2 receptors, which are found on the surfaces of cells.

ACE2 is common in humans and is found throughout the body, including the lungs. It has been dubbed the ‘gateway’ to the coronavirus.

Many animals have their own version of ACE2, but each species’ version is slightly different in its molecular structure.

These differences, scientists believe, explain why some animals – like cats and cows – get infected, while other species – including pigs and chickens – are immune.

Pictured is a computer model of how SARS-CoV-2 sike (blue) interacts with the human ACE2 receptor (gray).  Many species have a version of ACE2, but subtle differences in molecular structure mean that the virus fails to attach in some species

Pictured is a computer model of how SARS-CoV-2 sike (blue) interacts with the human ACE2 receptor (gray). Many species have a version of ACE2, but subtle differences in molecular structure mean that the virus fails to attach in some species

Pigs are not susceptible to coronavirus infection, according to the study.  Their ACE2 receptor is not receptive to the SARS-CoV-2 peak, as is the case in humans

Pigs are not susceptible to coronavirus infection, according to the study. Their ACE2 receptor is not receptive to the SARS-CoV-2 peak, as is the case in humans

Throughout the pandemic, there have been many cases of animals infected with the coronavirus.

Scientific studies have also analyzed the genomes of various species in which there have been no confirmed cases, but the animal could be infected if exposed.

An article published in October found that dozens of animals that regularly come into close contact with humans are susceptible to infection, for example.

This research by University College London (UCL) found a total of 28 terrestrial species, including gorillas, polar bears and horses.

A separate study published in November by researchers at Dalhousie University in Canada looked at marine mammals and found that at least 15 species of dolphins, seals and whales could be infected.

These two studies worked on hypothetical situations based on pre-existing knowledge of SARS-CoV-2 and the animal genes that make the ACE2 receptor.

The latest research, published today in the journal PLOS Computational Biology, built on these past findings and created computer models of the ACE2 receptor found in 28 animal species.

An article published in October found that dozens of animals that regularly come into close contact with humans are susceptible to infection, for example.  This research by University College London (UCL) found a total of 28 terrestrial species, including gorillas, polar bears and horses (pictured)

An article published in October found that dozens of animals that regularly come into close contact with humans are susceptible to infection, for example. This research by University College London (UCL) found a total of 28 terrestrial species, including gorillas, polar bears and horses (pictured)

A separate study published in November by researchers at Dalhousie University in Canada looked at marine mammals and found at least 15 species of dolphins, seals and whales could be infected (pictured)

A separate study published in November by researchers at Dalhousie University in Canada examined marine mammals and found at least 15 species of dolphins, seals and whales could be infected

There have been several reported cases of coronavirus infection in cats.  Their ACE2 receptor is thought to bind to the coronavirus peak

There have been several reported cases of coronavirus infection in cats. Their ACE2 receptor is thought to bind to the coronavirus peak

Researchers at Stanford University found that the receptor was very similar in all of the species analyzed.

The most similar to humans was that of chimpanzees (99.5% similarity) and the most different was that of goldfish (72% similarity).

The researchers then performed computer tests to virtually combine the coronavirus peak with each animal’s ACE2 receptor and predict which bonds would or would not be established at critical times.

In humans, there are a multitude of places where the tip and receptor create an attractive force, physically holding them together.

Many of these occur at a place on the coronavirus peak called the receptor binding domain (RBD).

However, some mutations in the RBD of animals prevent these connections from being made, and therefore the virus cannot attach itself to the ACE2 receptor and infiltrate the cell.

The researchers write in their study that they found “ species known not to be susceptible to infection with SARS-CoV-2 have non-conservative mutations ‘in several places on the ACE2 receptor’ that disrupt key contacts with the viral spike protein ”.

“ Thanks to open data, pre-prints, and free academic software, we have moved from the question of whether tigers can catch Covid-19 to 3D models of protein structures offering a possible explanation as to why it ‘is the case in just a few weeks. Says study author Dr João Rodrigues.

To reduce the risk of infecting domestic and wild animals, including endangered species, he recommended following the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health.

Dr Rodrigues added: “ People infected with Covid-19 should limit contact with their pets as well as other animals – including humans. ”

Wild animals such as lions, tigers and monkeys could catch Covid-19 from humans and act as ‘reservoirs’

Covid-19 has killed more than a million people worldwide and experts warn it could turn into a ‘multi-species’ pandemic unless humans are careful not to infect wild animals.

Researchers have again discovered that the strain of coronavirus that causes Covid-19, called SARS-CoV-2, can infect many animal species, not just humans.

While the greatest threat is to animals that come into close contact with humans, such as pets, there is also a risk of transmission to wildlife, including lions, tigers, and monkeys.

And experts warn that if animals become widely infected, they can act as reservoirs for the disease, leading to future reinfection and repeated outbreaks.

Separate research, published earlier this week, found that at least 28 species of mammals that regularly come into close contact with humans can catch the virus.


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