Why the so-called ‘horse drug’ appeared in the fight against COVID


A pest control drug called ivermectin has emerged as the latest flashpoint in the often bitter public debate over COVID-19 precautions and vaccines.

Its supporters claim the drug is effective in fighting COVID-19 infections, although there is little scientific data to support these claims.

Critics of ivermectin cite the lack of evidence, cases in which versions of the drug have instead caused damage, and the effect of interest in the drug on vaccination efforts.

Many on the left have questioned the promotion of any COVID-19 therapeutics, even those that have been shown to be effective against the virus, such as monoclonal antibody drugs, as they argue that unvaccinated people will avoid getting themselves vaccinate if they mistakenly believe COVID-19 has a cure.


For example, Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has come under fire from liberal critics who accuse him of undermining vaccination efforts by focusing recently on the availability of COVID drugs.

Here’s what you need to know about Ivermectin.

What is that?

Ivermectin is a medicine used to treat infections caused by parasites, such as river blindness and intestinal problems caused by roundworms.

Scientists who developed ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine in 2015, when the foundation said the drug “revolutionized therapy for patients with devastating parasitic diseases.”

In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that refugees coming to the United States from most parts of the world take ivermectin as “presumptive treatment.”

Is it a drug for horses?

Versions of ivermectin are also used to deworm livestock, which has caused confusion and fueled political commentary on the drug’s use.

Inspired by the growing public debate over ivermectin, some people have attempted to purchase the animal version, which is more readily available than the type prescribed by doctors for humans.

The increased interest has prompted a food store in Las Vegas to demand that anyone buying the drug in recent days provide a photo of their horse to reduce the number of people seeking ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment.

In Oklahoma, some hospitals have reported an influx of sick patients taking doses of ivermectin formulated for adult horses.

But although many media outlets and commentators have characterized ivermectin as primarily a medicine for horses, and social media supporters have scoffed at those interested in it as a COVID-19 treatment, ivermectin is also a widely used human drug. In the United States, doctors write tens of thousands of prescriptions each year.

What does the FDA say?

The Food and Drug Administration has warned the public against using ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

FDA officials have issued particularly strong warnings about the dangers of using animal versions of ivermectin to fight the virus, as the drugs are formulated differently than those intended for humans and often involve much higher doses. .

However, the agency recognizes that scientists are studying the use of ivermectin in cases of COVID-19.

“The FDA has not reviewed data to support the use of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients to treat or prevent COVID-19; however, initial research is ongoing, ”the FDA wrote in a warning against taking the drug.

Who promoted him?

Popular podcast host Joe Rogan sparked debate over the drug when he revealed this week that he was taking ivermectin, among other drugs, to treat COVID-19 after testing positive for the virus.

Rogan said he felt “good” after taking ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies to fight his symptoms of COVID-19.

The host has been ridiculed for highlighting the drug, as many critics have accused those who adopt it of being anti-vaccination. Rogan has suggested in the past that healthy young people do not need a vaccine.

An Alaska mayor has also resisted criticism after encouraging the study of ivermectin in COVID-19 patients. Charlie Pierce, mayor of the Kenai Peninsula Borough, suggested that doctors consider the drug for alternative use because it is relatively inexpensive.

Only a handful of doctors have openly promoted the drug, but they have been ridiculed as outliers in a medical community that widely advises patients to stay away from ivermectin, except for its approved uses.

Does it work?

There is no reliable evidence to suggest that ivermectin is effective against COVID-19, although scientists have performed several studies to date.

A review of data from 15 ivermectin trials found that the drug reduced the number of deaths among COVID-19 patients who took it, according to an analysis published this month in the American Journal of Therapeutics.

“Moderate-certainty evidence shows that significant reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin,” the seven scientists who wrote the analysis wrote in conclusion. “The use of ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce the number of people progressing to serious disease. “


The World Health Organization said in March that scientists may use ivermectin to treat COVID-19 in clinical trials as research on the drug progresses.

WHO officials wrote that the evidence so far suggesting that ivermectin reduced hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 is “very low certainty” because the trials have been small. As of March, the number of patients enrolled in ivermectin trials reviewed by the WHO was 2,407.

Washington Examiner Videos

Key words: News, Coronavirus, CDC, Vaccination, Health

Original author: Sarah westwood

Original location: Ivermectin explained: Why the so-called ‘horse drug’ appeared in the fight against COVID


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