Why this Bay Area lawyer is inundated with appeals over religious vaccine exemptions


Jason Geller, an employment lawyer in San Francisco, has had a busy week handling calls and meetings with employers who had a critical question: how to best handle requests from employees seeking religious exemptions from the COVID vaccine -19?

“A lot of employers are starting to prepare for the assessment process whether someone has a ‘sincere religious belief’ or not,” said Geller, who works in the San Francisco office of law firm Fisher Phillips. “I’ve been getting a ton more calls about this lately. “

As local, state and federal vaccine mandates come into effect, more workplaces are requiring employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19. But some workers invoke their religion to avoid being shot, triggering a tense dynamic that forces employers to discern between legitimate and less legitimate exemption requests, and to find ways to accommodate those granted such exemptions. requests on a case-by-case basis.

No major religion has publicly opposed the COVID-19 vaccination. Some religious leaders even approved of it: Pope Francis called the vaccination an “act of love” and rabbis from Orthodox Jewish communities across the country urged their followers to be vaccinated.


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